Uncharted 2 WILL win. GS gave DS Best PS3 game because this year almost all the top selling games were sequels. DS came out of nowhere and suprised everyone. Everyone knew UC2 would be epic so they gave it to DS for brand new ip basically. GOTY will be UC2 as it was predicted back when the game first showed gameplay footage.
neomatrix909's forum posts
it gets getting used to with all the recoil, after awhile youll get the hang of it. took me an hour or so to adjust from MW2 controls and speed. but overall KZ2>MW2 :P
in multiplats i guess i dont really see a difference but in exclusives PS3 beats 360 no doubt, i dont see 360 beating Uncharted 2 or Killzone 2. Halo Reach will be new but not a huge leap. PS3 will continue to reign in the graphics wars with GOW2 and Heavy Rain and i bet future titles like Resistance 3 and KZ3. I think the 360 has reached its peaked with Gears of War 2 but even that wasnt a huge leap from the first.
360 exclusives have all turned out to be all hype, sure all high scores but totally overrated. seriously all 360 players complain about Gears multiplayer and thats why it's hardly in the top 5 games played on xbox live. halo was good but after that the games became over rated. sure they sell alot but gamers are only buying the same multiplayer game, the campaign is just boring
so yeah PS3 has better exclusives
i think PS3 is fine in the RPG department even without ME2. 360 should be happy they have one great RPG (shooter :P) in there library cause everything else on that system sucks. At least with PS3 we have 2 awesome RPGs (Demons Souls and Valkaryia Chronicles) and better versions of 360 RPGs
why is everyone soo shocked? PS3 fans called it back in 2008 that 2009 will be PS3's year. You can't deny it. It started with Killzone 2 then Infamous then a suprise from Demon Soul's then the king Uncharted 2! Everyone called it but 360 fanboys. Yeah Dragon Age and Demon Souls were most likely neck in neck but overall Demon Souls was victor. Gamespot showed love for both Killzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2 but there was waaayyyy more negative talk about MW2. MW2 got a 9.0 but so did COD4 so no improvements really. Now Killzone 2 was a HUGE improvement over KZ and it lived up to the hype. The only problem was it was released before PS3 slim sale surge. PS3 ruled PS3 and can do it again in 2010 with God of War 3, Heavy Rain, MAG, Gran Turismo 5
why is everyone soo shocked? PS3 fans called it back in 2008 that 2009 will be PS3's year. You can't deny it. It started with Killzone 2 then Infamous then a suprise from Demon Soul's then the king Uncharted 2! Everyone called it but 360 fanboys. Yeah Dragon Age and Demon Souls were most likely neck in neck but overall Demon Souls was victor. Gamespot showed love for both Killzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2 but there was waaayyyy more negative talk about MW2. MW2 got a 9.0 but so did COD4 so no improvements really. Now Killzone 2 was a HUGE improvement over KZ and it lived up to the hype. The only problem was it was released before PS3 slim sale surge. PS3 ruled PS3 and can do it again in 2010 with God of War 3, Heavy Rain, MAG, Gran Turismo 5
360 doesn't have a exclusive franchise that can get AAAAE. Halo and Gears of War are overrated and there latest outings show it. You can hype Halo Reach all you want but it will all be the sameLol. Isnt it obvious its cowspot?I mean, games that scored lower than mw2 and odst still made it into goty nominees. Everyone knows Dragon Age is definetly better than Infamous, and MW2's multiplayer is better KZ2. You think its a coincidence that MGS4 is the only AAAAE this gen? Come on know guys.
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