quality of this final fantasy is sickeningly bad, its just terrible how they have fixated on graphics and cinematic scenes, while caring so little about getting a decent storyline and enjoyable hidden extras people love to replay for. this game would be no worse if they made it 16 bit like they did with the trailer catch up thing they did. these are the things that get people to want to play a final fantasy game: good story good battle system rewarding grinding that has real impact to the game good cinematics but not making it a full requirement of the game (like ff7 ff8 ff9 ff10) hidden references mini games and side quests and with actual significances to the game but not a requirement to play the actual game (ie not a chore) loveable characters from wide ranging places with wide ranging ideals uniting under common causes (not 2 cry babies a cloud copy and annoying characters with little sense of anything) a fulfillment of "I can do better lets replay" not "I don't know why i bought this"
an open, OPEN world that has reason for exploring not a chore to back to because you need to and are forced too. and for the love of god make it fun!!!
this game is nothing more than a graphical representation of what we can do with graphics, it has no redeeming features other than "it looks pretty", no matter how much you dress up a game too look good if its not even fun or can't do anything other than then be stared at, then its pointless. even ff 10-2 (another disappointment) at least it gave you blitzball a fun element to the game so its not downright hated.
the worst of the worst is final fantasy, the point of the name was originally created to be the last game the developer made thus being final, its gets worse as when the game was originally created they stated that there will not be any sequel to the game. of course the popularity caused this to make all of thoes games destroying the actual integrity of the point of the game name and its actual definition. dont get me wrong i love the games (step for 13 games and 10-2) but when the purpose of the games name is defeated by the exact opposite of the actions you take then its just pointless.
@PlatinumPaladin @neowarrior121 the anime goes further by creating the structure out of solar panels with 3 pillars out in the ocean (out of sight from land). the structure is big enough to support all the planet with its energy needs.
cam an interesting topic you may like is a concept of uploading our brains and consciousness onto games and the internet. some cool studies have been done looking into the possibility of using cybernetic technology to allow a humans brains to interact with a pc and vice versa using code that change to electrical signals to the brain. even as far as thinking of ways to introducing a consciousness into a game itself and playing it with just our minds like a type of oculus rift virtual reality but no actual body movement is necessary just thoughts from the brain. a very popular anime called sword art online (SAO) follows this type of concept but going even further by showing its risks as the plot involves many people getting their consciousness locked within the game and they must win to be set free or perish trying. i think it would be a good show topic to do.
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