@gamerno66666 @cam2345 @Caubex you see that the type of negative thinking gamerno66666 if you made it into a kinect game the control would be too easy thus losing the fun of the fail. what they should do is play the game with inverted controls with a gun addon, that craziness would make anyone laugh.
why dont MS and nintendo understand that we don't want any of this external peripherals rubbish and when we say its better without it ITS BETTER WITHOUT IT!
the first pc game i played was unreal tournament back when a 60gb hard drive was like massive to the average persons and powerful graphics cards started to become a thing you needed for gaming on pc. i spent hours upon hours just playing unreal like it was going to be thee greatest game in existence and not playing it was like blaspheme to my free time. gears of war (the original) almost made me relive that moment on the 360 after the campaign i played hours upon hours of online but once people found out how to crab walk and glitch out of maps the excitement of playing just hit a wall as it killed off the servers. gears 2 and 3 were just not the same oww and judgment that was just bad to no degree.
epic got me into that fps without the bullcrap you see of today shooters with generic tactics that everyone adopts and skills takes a backseat to broken mechanics, which killed off my competitiveness off fps's (even know i can play ghost or BF4 and after an hour have a 3 to1 kill to death ratio.
so i would like to say congrats epic for creating a proper gamers and they should never give up on creating games.
@Diegoctba @homelessgamer what idiot would deny the accesses of hundreds of games for a next gen console, you can have your 7 xbone game we will have every game ever made for a playstation, I wonder whos going to have more fun? /sarcasm
neowarrior121's comments