@Thesamasaurus I watch,surf, and play on a 2013 mid level 50" smart TV (in PC HDMI port) for 1080 at 60Hz ( tested 38ms response). Sometimes I play on my 27" monitor (DVI cable) for 1080 at 100-144Hz (2-8 ms response untested) when playing in 3D or multiplayer twich games.
The Steam Box will probably be HDMI so 1080 60Hz is the highest it will preform, if it can push that much. Take away the surfing and blah... It would be nice to let my nephew get to use the new share plan with Steam so he can play my Library just by buying a cheap box and not a gaming rig.
@slimskelter @deathstream @WereCatf @RedDragonGecko Again each game is different in Steam in what it requires to play when it comes to online states and sessions.
@deathstream @WereCatf @slimskelter Each game is different in Steam and how it uses Steamworks DRM guys. Some you have to be online. some you have to had a connection once in that secession and some none at all.
@zerooo0 While I will agree that Steam does well pricing on their Steamworks DRM digital only "services" or "games" as people call them.... I call them rentals of unknown time span.
M$ tends to follow the EA Origin approach to digital only with no price cuts even tho it isn't your game and it's been out for years. But EA does it better than M$ by giving many more rights to your games. Some include: transferring digital games within 30 days and the possibility of refunds.
@Lykanthropie Its the footnote of a PC that is not easily portable or acceptable to peoples taste to have a loud PC running in the living room sticking out. While a gaming Laptop can be better at this. The price, ease of use, maintaicne is too much compared to a simple small (cheap)Steam box.
Anyone can cook food. But fast food restaurants are making billions because of ease of use and cheapness.
HAHA I just realized that if the Nvidia Shield can run this Steam OS. Then it will be the first handheld to run AAA games!!!!!! Better than a ps3 or XB360 in your hands!
@Butt_Chunx The problem is that HDMI 1.4 can only send 1080 @ 60 HZ and the reposne on even the fast $3000 smart TV is around 30-50ms delay . A newer PC monitor can support 1080 at 144hz with 2-8 ms delay. big change when playing fast mutliplayer games.
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