@Sefrix Sorry but when weighing the out comes between an unwanted sexual encounter and mass murder? At least the victim of the unwanted encounter can see ans experience the rest of life and the loved ones can still have that person in their life.
Just finished watching the Oz series from HBO. There you see inmates getting raped every other episode. I guess if it is men getting raped in media it is ok, or even artistic?
In HLM2 it was a movie scene depicting rape. A pretend rape within it's own fictional world. When should public out cry reach censorship? If enough people don't like cars because so many die in them should we stop making cars?
@Xx_Kares_xX @Snaptrap There are soooo many games that are coming from KS that in no way would have been made today. In fact the big Publishers are looking at lower budget games now or older style games that don't fit the modern template and formula.
Bringing back cRPGs. Introducing games back, with complex and deep systems to the like of d20 systems.
Devs getting to own their own IP and not have to adjust them to please the shady practices publishers make them put into their games. No more pubs saying "that's too complicated" or "make it more action" or "Bigger boobs" or "that is not child friendly and will not sell as much tone it down".
The people that put money into KS projects are taking a risk, but we will get to be rewarded with the benefits. Calling them stupid is stupid it self IMO. Those KS funders are trail blazing for a better gaming community at their own risks.
@kazama99 Actually they are retconning some just to fit this game in the lore. Yeah I believe they are gonna take a load on the lore...hope they don't.
@chaosbrigade@therock343Bethesda Softworks is the Publisher, Bethesda Game Studios makes the TES games. ZeniaMax Online is the developer for TESO, and ZeniaMax Media owns the 3 previous named companies. Which in turn is owned by CBS which also owns Gamespot!
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