@bmart970 @M3o5nster I hate MMOs without subs. They have no in game support and bots run crazy. You can't PvP cause everyone is using hacks. It totally sucks without subs.
@bunchanumbers I believe I heard somewhere that they are exclusive servers. PC has no cross play with PS4 in other words. Thought I heard that on a ShoddyCast video.
@demondogx @neroist TSW was too intelligent for most people. A game that took knowledge and observation is not good for the masses. Stuff like knowing morse code. Deciphering binary and hex codes...yeah not that assessable.
@kente10 @neroist Well you sir are the first person I have heard say that. Compare Skyrim PC to Xbox ... with stability, performance, graphics, debugging, all around control like spawning 100 guards to fight 10 dragons, and mods that keep more new stuff in the game for free than you could ever play.....You would like the Xbox better?
That would be the dumbest comment I have ever heard!
@kente10 @neroist Ah I see you have not experienced both of what the gaming world has to offer on console and PC. I have and speak from that experience.
neroist's comments