The thing is that the NSA is sharing the stored info freely with the FBI meaning that the FBI can use the info for other things than terrorism.
I did the math so it could be flawed but I found that in 2013 you are 43 times more likely to be killed by local law enforcement than a terrorist in the US. That was a month ago so it has an even higher statistic now.
@sladakrobot @Vylsith The thing about the PA is that in Section 215 "Shall Specify the records concerned are sought for an authorized investigation conducted protect against international terrorism and clandestine intelligence services."
Blanket collection of US citizens communication is a violation of the PA. They can't possibly say they followed Section 215 with the +200 million US citizens...
@fbgbdk4 @sladakrobot do a search for the phrase _nsakey and you will see that M$ had a backdoor in Win 95- Win NT that allowed someone using the key to access and and put application on a users OS without knowledge or consent. This was before the Patriot Act.
@sladakrobot @fbgbdk4 Yes you there are encryption laws that Sony must adhere to in the US. US law only allows encryption to be so "strong".
Swiss laws require super storng encryption to protect their citizen and companies. So to do business with US biz/people they compromised with the US and came up with the Swiss Safe Harbor Act. It's a misleading name for the Swiss tho because it is a less secure communication.
Anytime a communication device is not "tapable" in the US the company will be fined. They do this saying that is optional for a company. But if you add up the fines for 50 million plus users you can see that it would bankrupt a company fast that didn't comply.
I read the release of this on other sites what this article doesn't address is the info is shared with the FBI putting your info in the hands of local law enforcement without a warrant!
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