@Banefire76 Well for me instituting always online single player and a real money auction house that Blizz takes 30%. Add in VERY low drop rates on epics so they are worth more money then throw in PvP that you have to have them in Diablo III. Which Diablo III on lowest setting has been said to be playable on a PSP?
Not into BF, but plz don't get me started on CoD problems as well.
@Banefire76 @dussan2 Sorry but not all people are able to intelligently express why they follow the trend of posting EA hate. EA has grown synonymous with the anger toward the practices of publishers. Activision Blizzard in my eyes are 3 times as greedy and receive a fraction of the rantings.
EA is no angel and is largely responsible for their reputation. But it seems that most people get behind bashing them more than the others. I think that other pubs should be called out on their practices as well.
@MjnE @omjfl @leeko_link Not true most all AAA games are on PC as well. PC also dominates the indie market. PC games are a fraction the price as consoles and adds mods t everything.
@spoofin14 @neroist Let the public know that AODRM is bad thing no matter how many bells and whistles they offer. Besides I don't need a new interface for my cable tv.
@spoofin14 with that kinda attitude you may also think that it is ok for always online when they announce this as well http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/04/10/next-xbox-will-reportedly-integrate-broadcast-tv-feeds
Devs are under contract to produce a certain amount of DLC for games by the pubs. Once the game is complete they have the remainder of the team stay on to do the contractual DLC. Getting one finished before the game's release does not mean that is should be free. It cost money to make why should everyone get it for free? Support your dev's if they made the game you love.
They could hold on to it for awhile or let it be available immediately. What you prefer?
neroist's comments