"He said Avalanche Studios spent 3-5 months creating the game's story missions, but just 18 percent of players completed these." -Other than the obvious self-importance it exhibits, using their own game as a bar for such a claim is just plain stupid. Especially when that game is 'Just Cause 2', a game which barely bothered with an attempt at telling a story and one in which the majority of the fun came from player agency rather than the god-awful scripted "missions".
Call me crazy but most of the games that end up sticking to my mind (and even come back to at times) LONG after I've dealt with them are the ones that either tell a really engrossing story or has a world that is actually worth bothering knowing as much as possible about.
Makuch, dude, you seriously need to stop taking relatively minor comments out of context and sensationalizing them so much. I actually read the whole article earlier today and the used game thing sounded like a mere footnote to other problems that Bethesda take much more severely.
"Again, Bethesda concedes that secondhand games are a concern, and may not have an answer, but companies can try to combat them by offering quality products." - The used-game talk was no where near the point of severity that it needed a dedicated mention in a site's news page.
Graphics DO matter, but to claim that they comprise 60% of what makes a game worth playing is just shortsighted. The cynic in me believes that this is just Crytek tooting their own horns in a fashion.
"Ignoring the practicalities of the situation and telling people to just "deal with it" smacks of a company that has lost touch with what its consumers want or need." That's pretty much what Microsoft has been like for the past couple of years.
never-named's comments