"It seems The Witness is the #1 game on a certain popular torrent site. Unfortunately this will not help us afford to make another game! :( "
Does that mean that even if the game does gangbusters in terms of actual sales, the fact that it's being pirated like crazy will STILL get in the way of Blow making a new game of equal budget? I was honestly under the impression that Jon Blow was a smart guy, the fact that he apparently thinks "piracy = lost sales" is starting to make me think otherwise.
@herpesthegreat: It's not about putting people in a depressed state of mind, it's about empathy and expression. Videogames, like all mediums of art, are starting to grow -- it's not solely about fun and escapism, it's about expression as well. Games such as Amnesia, Spec Ops: The Line, are remembered less for their mechanics and about how they make the player feel, for example.
@silversix_: Yeah, a $300 GTX 970 is definitely all the hardware you're going to need to be able to play the theoretical PC version of Halo 5. Who the hell needs a fully-built gaming machine for $350, the only platform you can play Halo 5 right now, anyway?
@coalbeat: It's as good as any game within its size, scope, and ambition can be. GTA V isn't the yardstick for every game that will ever be made from here on in ... genres exist in video games as well.
"For Black Ops, it's absolutely essential to continue the art of storytelling..." -- proceeds to let players skip to any given segment of the campaign, blowing up the very concepts of narrative pacing, structure, and coherence.
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