@MBirdy88: Take it up with the developers. We are not the ones saying all these amazing things about this little beast. ;)
neversummer75's forum posts
@Suddenly_Wasted: I said "pretty much rivaled". I think I'll take the word of well respected developers over a pathetic assclown any day of the week. You seem very defensive over the mighty X. That $3000 grand PC of yours seem like a bit if a waste now, huh? Mine sure does. Good thing I'm selling it.
Stop circle jerking over your PC and claiming to be king of the digital universe and get yourself a life( and a woman while you are at it). To get so defensive over a gaming console because it challenges the legitimacy/reason of your muti thousands dollar gaming rig is both pathetic and laughable.
@howmakewood: I said pretty much rival.....I did NOT say it matched it. What type of assclown would expect a $499 console to completely match a $1000+ gaming rig? Get out of mothers basement and clear your mind, hermit.
@davillain-: PC gamers are the ones who should be more embarrassed than anyone else. A $499 machine pretty much rivals that of high end gaming rigs. Hahahaha!
@APiranhaAteMyVa: no games? Is that a joke? It has fantastic games and they all look and play like a dream. All this power is contained in a little sexy box. Love it! .This is the most fun I've had with gaming in a LONG time.
@Xabiss: ya, now that I have the X I have an excuse to finally bail on PC gaming. I'm so sick of having to constantly upgrade components and fiddling with drivers. I use to love PC gaming, but I simply don't have the time for it anymore. Furthermore, I don't want to spend the money constantly upgrading it. I have other hobbies I'd rather invest my money in. The X will serve all my gaming needs from here on out. It has allowed me to consolidate my gaming hobby.
@Xabiss: I'm sure the other consoles are fine, however the X just separates itself from the others. It really does rival my beast of a gaming PC. I'm very impressed. The thing just oozes quality. I will now be selling my gaming PC and my switch. I will be getting a laptop instead to use for work and school. The X will be my dedicated gaming and entertainment system going forward.
I have the switch, but am going to sell it. It's a fantastic machine, but I just don feel the need to game on the go. When I leave the house, I want to enjoy other various hobbies that I have. I feel that gaming on the go can be a distraction to other aspects of one's life. I have no problem with waiting to get home in order to game.
Wow.....the accolades just keep pouring in for the beast of a machine. These prolific developers are creaming their pants over this remarkable apparatus. Congratulations MS....great work on turning things around. Very impressive indeed. I can personally attest to the greatness of this little marvel. It has really made me fall in love with gaming all over again.
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