@drlostrib: Cute.....we all know with the mighty X now out in the wild, the PlayStation 4 will be an afterthought. ;)
neversummer75's forum posts
Do you all believe in miracles? Well, I sure do. This little beast just made the holidays a little more pleasant and joyful for my family. I have a feeling it will to countless others as well. Let us all rejoice. Happy holidays all.... especially you, Microsoft. God bless you Bill Gates! Don't let the PC and Sony Scrooge's get ya down. They are just jeleous. ;)
Give them time..... they'll come around. ;)
@Xplode_games: wow.....just.....wow! Dude, get out of your mothers basement and get a job. Better yet, get a girlfriend. A woman's touch will go along way to help you to relax. Your mothers touch does not count. ;) The X is an amazing console. Will it beat out a dedicated gaming system? Nope. Will it come close to matching the experience? Yup. Get a Life.
I was a sceptic at first judging from some of the footage I saw online. However, after receiving the system last night and playing some games, I'm completely blown away. The visuals for most games are out of this world good. MS hit it out of the park with this thing. Congratulations, MS!
Seriously, WTF took these guys so long to realize that this needed to be done? Not more than a week ago, these guys were still defending their decision to be a "third party-enhanced" destination of choice. Most of us could see through this BS and knew that this strategy has not and would not work for them in the future. I will always be an Xbox guy, but IMO, I think this recent 180 is too little too late. Sony has a CLEAR advantage on exclusive and quality games that makes it's platform so much more appealing than that of Microsoft's. Furthermore, this picture will take years for Microsoft to reverse....if ever. This focus on quality first party/exclusive games should have been done YEARS ago.
Thanks for the good responses. So, now that it's been established that these forums are no longer relevant, which forums are good to go to in order to find good lively debate/discussions?
I've been coming to these forums for years.....ever since the original Xbox days. Back then, these forums were alive with lively debate. These days it seems like these forums are ghost towns. What happened?
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