newmanmaster's forum posts
[QUOTE="LostProphetFLCL"][QUOTE="GettingTired"][QUOTE="LostProphetFLCL"][QUOTE="GettingTired"]What? Any link OUTSIDE wwe? I see nothing CNN.GettingTired
I would hope they would be busy with news on the war and stuff like that....
A whole celebrities family being murdered would show up on CNN.
The WWE wrestlers aren't exactly celebrities.....
The top story on CNN right now is an article on gay adoptions :| I think a WHOLE family being murdered would make headlines on CNN.....
Yeah you dont need to be a celebrity to be on cnn if its tragic enough such as this story it will be talked about.he is right edition is only for the black elites. when they all sold out they will make them white.i got a feeling the core is about to get the boot...[QUOTE="munsoned"][QUOTE="Privatepyle"]A EB Games employee (I know take it for what it's worth) Told me that it was a limited edition and they were not sure if they were going to make more. I blew the guy off and thought that was stupid, there is no way they would do that. Maybe it was a trial run to see peoples opinions on the HDMI and larger hard drive, or maybe they are waiting on the smaller chips before sending more out. ClandestineZero
No.... That was a rumor MS denied. ALL elites will ALWAYS be black. period.
Yeah the return of the black elites are inevitable. Thats exactly the problem only 1-3 systems are shipped to stores per shipment. so just be patient and ask when the next shipment of elites will be coming in.[QUOTE="Stockman"][QUOTE="itsjdon"]just got mines 2 weeks ago and i keep mines in an open area. it gets somewhat hot. im scared if i play it too long. i could get the 3 rings of death. would buying the inter cooling system help a lot or not as much? HELP!CaUs3
Yea don't play it for 15 hours at a time like the rest of the retards.
whats wrong with playing 15 hours mines fine
Yeah nothing happens to mine. As long as your 360 is in a cool environment you should be fine and if your 360 freezes often it could be the mighty power brick thats over heating not your 360.
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