Damn it microjim im a gamer not a casual  you can keep your halo but atleast create acouple quality exclusive  fps franchises to keep around like halo.
[QUOTE="timbers_WSU"][QUOTE="nextgenjoke"][QUOTE="timbers_WSU"] You made an account just to show the world that you're a nimrod? Well you are doing a good job. Bravo. You will need a lot of practice to get to the point where you are a top 10 dumbass like kuraimen. call of duty 2 was on the pc and i was a pc gamer when it launched in 2005 and perfect dark zero sucked which was exclusive. xbox launched in 2001 with halo combat a much polished exclusive first person shooter. I HAD A REAL REASON TO BUY ORIGINAL XBOX AND NONE FOR 360. OK. You should of used some of that time between the XBOX launch and now to learn how to make a proper sentence but anyways.... it's a forum not a piece of paper.
no question about it the original xbox stomps all over xbox360.
You made an account just to show the world that you're a nimrod? Well you are doing a good job. Bravo. You will need a lot of practice to get to the point where you are a top 10 dumbass like kuraimen. Call of duty 2 was not a xbox360 exclusive first person shooter only perfect dark zero was and it was and call of duty 2 was avalible on pc same day xbox360 launched and i was a pc gamer same timeframe. perfect dark zero is a crappy unpolished first party exclusive FPS compared to halo combat evolved. i had a real reason to buy xbox on launch in 2001 and no real reason to buy 360 on launch in 2005.
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