You are a pc gamer and  mainly only play fps games and you arent obsessed with the halo franchise you are  **** out of luck son because all the other fps are on pc and makes xbox360 completely pointless.
nextgenjoke's forum posts
too many people getting multiplatform money hungry someone needs to step up and keep some of these shooters platform exclusive.
[QUOTE="nextgenjoke"]resistance recieved 3 games lol only 2 perfect dark games exist and the first one was made on nintendo 64 and resistance fall of man is a ip that started life on ps3 that franchise was never on ps2. I really have no idea what the Hell this means. I am sure you are attempting to make a point but to be honest I don't care. I will keep the conversation going with the other Cows and you can just watch. How does that sound? go back to playing wiiu[QUOTE="timbers_WSU"] Actually Resistance is not a continued franchise. Sony dropped it and Insomniac said they were not wasting their time with another. Come on Cow, at least learn your own company.timbers_WSU
They need to find people willing to release fps only on microsoft's platform let microsoft publish the game.
insomniac is not owned by sony they can make 360 games anytime they want they are a brand loyal company.
It's a shame microsoft has no brand loyal companys to release exclusive FPS games.
[QUOTE="nextgenjoke"][QUOTE="720OwnsPS4"]ps3 atleast resistance and killzone are are TWO continued exclusive franchises with sequels . halo is xbox's only exclusive fps that recieves sequels. Actually Resistance is not a continued franchise. Sony dropped it and Insomniac said they were not wasting their time with another. Come on Cow, at least learn your own company. resistance recieved 3 games lol only 2 perfect dark games exist and the first one was made on nintendo 64 and resistance fall of man is a ip that started life on ps3 that franchise was never on ps2.Must be hard to talk with Jack Tretton's d*ck in your mouth.
if i gotta hook a controller to a tablet just to properly play a fps i might aswell play on a real console or a goddamn computer.
gaming on tablets is pathetic unless they have analogs built into them they will always be garbage for fps and the only way to get a true fps experience is pc or using a console CONTROLLER lol.Why is this a surprise to anyone
Gaming consoles are an archaic concept at this point, like phones that only do calls.
lol microsoft try's to act like call of duty is a first party exclusive shooter sorry microsoft that's no replacement for a new TRUE FIRST PARTY EXCLUSIVE FPS FRANCHISE.
Must be hard to talk with Jack Tretton's d*ck in your mouth.
ps3 atleast resistance and killzone are are TWO continued exclusive franchises with sequels . halo is xbox's only exclusive fps that recieves sequels.
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