you just found out about this. With all the FUD microsoft was saying. I felt like a system warrior seeping through the white washing. The fact remains that the specs of ps4 vs xbone. Games would run 30 fps 1080p on ps4 and 22 fps on 1080p on xbox one. Instead of running at 40-45 fps on xbox one they lowered the resoloution of ghost to 720p. It is understandable tbh.
nhh18's forum posts
Visually very impressive but that's a given with GG and a KZ game. I just know the story is going to be utterly crap like all the other Killzones though.Which is a shame because there's actually a cool premise there
Voice acting sounded bad and the face models look really weird when speaking up close
Though I guess I'll just be labelled a lem because you can't say anything critical about a Sony exclusive. Especially a very pretty one
Halo 3 was terrible even though it was made by bungie. Shadowfall coulod be a masterpeiece for all you could know. Not everything is black and white. I hope people don't prereview the game for having killzone as its title. It is like saying black people aren't as intelligent as white people.
Guerilla Games needs to work on a new ip. People will hate this game because of the name attached.
More likely the 100$ and the fact that every multiplat game will look better on ps4 would kill the xbox. What was microsoft thinking.
Oh this is an ode to phil fish and gamespot authors. Just want to give my opinion
First of all. Look up what orientalism is. Then look up the definition
Since the publication of Edward Said's Orientalism in 1978, much academic discourse has begun to use the term "Orientalism" to refer to a general patronizing Western attitude towards Middle Eastern, Asian and North African societies. In Said's analysis, the West essentially these societies as static and undeveloped—thereby fabricating a view of Oriental culture that can be studied, depicted, and reproduced. Implicit in this fabrication, writes Said, is the idea that Western society is developed, rational, flexible, and superior.[2]
Oh. Wow. It seems like this is video game developers and video game journalist attitude toward japanese games.
No. It has the best version of madden, nba 2k, assassin creed, Battlefield, Call of Duty Ghost, among other games. Multiplats still exist
certain developers and publishers get scores higher than they should because of the name of the game. Certain games get lower reviews because of the developer and name. There is a consensus in video game reviews. Beyond two souls is the first game ever to have mixed reviews. If you notice, gta V, Halo X, Battlefield X, and Mario X will get high scores while 'other' games by 'smaller developers and publishers' will get lower. Naughty Dog games are automatic triple A metacritic scores regardless of the quality. Sucker Punch games are automatic 80 regardless of quality
It seems to me that their is an underlying theme in triple A games that certain high budget games don't get oh my gawd straight into my veins. I am overwhelmed by the awesomeness displayed. I am awestruck by the genius of so and so. Because a certain developer and publisher didn't make it. Do you believe that 90% of video games involve whitewashing through the roof telling you how much fun you are having. Aren't you fed up about the consensus in reviews about video games. Beyond two souls is the first game ever to have mixed reviews in the last 6 years. I hope more games get mixed reviews and that video game reviewers stop their racist oriental stereotype of japanese gaming. Oh wait I am the only person that actually holds these beliefs
At least Microsoft is apologizing and fixing all of their mistakes before the console launches. I have more respect for that than what Sony did with PS3. Sony actually launched the PS3 without admitting or correcting any of their mistakes. They just continued to make more and more arrogant comments all the way until launch. Remember when they said that everybody should get a second job to be able to afford their console or that "PS3 is not a game machine". Some people like to say "Xbox 180" like it is a bad thing, but I'm happy for the 180s before launch as it is making the Xbox One a better console from the start. It took half of the generation before the PS3 became a console worth owning because of Sony's arrogance and stubbornness. starwolf474They literally have been spreading FUD about the difference in ps4 and xbone power. It is shocking how people believe that multiplat games will look similar. I want sony to bump their cpu and gpu just to end this FUD once in for all. THey should apologize for lying all the time. What they did is something where people would throw shit at them. I can't imagine a PR firm spreading FUD like microsoft did. It is so unbelievable the FUD they've been spreading that it is going to be hard to ever buy a product from them again. Microsoft PR team were a bunch of dicks using a bunch of obvious psych tricks to convince you of stuff that isn't true. Major Nelson has been veering con artist territory to me
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