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#1 nickscho
Member since 2005 • 532 Posts
It has ONE AAA game on gamespot... Why is it so damn popular? I realize casuals will always go nintendo but it seems as if they dont have any major AAA games planned. Hell I never even see and Wii games on the front page besides a preview or two. I love nintendo and always liked there games but thats in the past. Theres no hope for them in the serious long run if they dont get some good titles out there. And please, spare me the garbage of any games you say will be AAA. Ill believe it when i see it. Rip nintendo. dudy80
It has only one AAA game on gamespot? Well I see your point, since gamespot is the ONLY opinion in the world that matters, the argument you make MUST be right. If you're going to express an opinion, don't use someone else's opinion as yours, passing it off as fact. I think there is a word for that...
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#2 nickscho
Member since 2005 • 532 Posts
Both the original Halo and Metroid Prime tied for 9.7. So give me a good reason why you think MP3 and Halo 3's scores will be so different. I think it could go either way, maybe even in favor of MP3, if MP3 has a new type of gameplay, but all Halo 3 has is upgraded graphics and sound.
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#3 nickscho
Member since 2005 • 532 Posts
BOTH original games tied for 9.7 on Gamespot. Metroid Prime 3 will have a new type of gameplay when compared to the others. Halo 1 and 2 are clones of each other and Halo 3 might just be a clone with upgraded visuals and audio. For that reason, MP3 MIGHT beat Halo 3 on Gamespot. I said "might." Personally, I think the Metroid Prime games are much better than the overrated Halo games, but Gamespot's opinion might be different.
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#4 nickscho
Member since 2005 • 532 Posts
I also thought Japanese games were better, that was until the Final Fantasy series went down the hole with FFX and later. It just killed it for me. The style has become too stylized, and less about gameplay. The 16 bit era was about gameplay, and not artistic license that doesn't make sense. Of course there are many many exceptions, and many great Japanese games coming out these days... but in general, Japanese RPGs have seriously gone down the hole.
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#5 nickscho
Member since 2005 • 532 Posts
Casual and Hardcore. I know both types of gamers that have a Wii. I really think that owning both a Wii and a 360 are owning 2 halves of a wonderful whole.
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#6 nickscho
Member since 2005 • 532 Posts
because if it does, we're in some serious trouble.:(Super-Mario-Fan
I don't think you have anything to worry about with MP3. It's a much bigger leap than Zelda because of the of the control scheme, and already looks much more engaging than Super Paper Mario. And I don't even think Zelda counts. It has an average score of 9.5 on almost every other gaming website. I don't take what Gamespot has to take seriously, I take more seriously what the majority of people say. Taking just one person's opinion as truth is a very very close minded way to live.
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#7 nickscho
Member since 2005 • 532 Posts
When was the last time Nintendo made an AAA game? Super Paper Mario? Nope, that flopped, Zelda TP? That flopped too...I don't remember any recent game that Nintendo made that scored at least a 9.0. If you ask me, this is the beginning of Nintendo's fall. Remember when Sega back in the golden days kept on pumping great games after great games? But now they aren't worth mentioning at all. Nintendo, from what it looks like is headed the direction of Sega while other developers such as Bungie, Epic and Blizzard keep on improving. Its just sad to see a great developer such as Nintendo fall down.Click_Clock
It's really ignorant to think Zelda flopped. 9.7 average score from reviewers is not a flop. Oh, you were just going by your narrow minded GS score instead of looking at any other? Got it.
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#8 nickscho
Member since 2005 • 532 Posts
If sales keep going the way they are going, yes, the Wii's sales will surpass the 360. In just 2 months the Wii has already sold half as much as 360 did in more than a year, and it's still selling like crazy. However, I think when Wii catches up to 360, it will level out, and they will be neck and neck. I don't think PS3 will ever, ever touch the sales of the Wii60. Guess we'll see....
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#9 nickscho
Member since 2005 • 532 Posts
The texture on the bridge is much different if you look down the bridge. But I don't even know which is which. You should have taken better screenshots so it's easier to tell.
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#10 nickscho
Member since 2005 • 532 Posts

If FF X scored AAA I would say that and PDZ.

10 bucks says you didn't beat the FFX.

Well I beat it, and I think it's probably one of the worst AAA games I've played. I think some kind of magic has been missing from the Final Fantasy games, since 9. FFx2 was horrid, FF11 is a mess, and 12 to me was overrated. I also think the GTA series are not AAA material.