This site is becoming (and unfortunately many others) nothing more than a farce filled with biased opinion or flaimbait articles. These sites are consistently making fanatically overexaggerated judgements (To make their bias seem rational.) Thes sites are going to be the demise of gaming.
@rahl247 @nicksetzer @thebeachguy90 -More doesnt = better (PS3 also didn't get many good games until well into the price drop) so if everything is going to be the same as you suggest I will wait for 2 years until a good game comes out.
-couldn't you ask that about PS4?? and the funny part is almost all of the PS4 games are available on PC as well, all of the indies and F2P are on pc (except a select few)
-PS4 is launching with KZ xbox has no shooters at launch. Nuff said.
-Even more reason I should buy a XB1 now and then a PS4 when they actually get their act together and get good games.
@thebeachguy90 The foolish and laughable part is you don't even know what AAA means, but attempt to use it as a means to support what you said before lol
See below for what a AAA game really is. _________________________
and further if the demos only showcase the best of the game then I stick to even more what i said before about PS4 titles in my opinion. If that deep down gameplay and knack gameplay are the best parts, then I am immensely underwhelmed.
@thebeachguy90 @tommynj I think it's more realizing which games do/don't look fun based on the shown gameplay of said games. Was pretty easy to spot which one had games that look fun and which look like crap. Pitiful
@thebeachguy90 @nicksetzer posting a list of games is hyping them? have fun in your little fantasy world. And MS has pretty looking trailers only?? Lets compare what gameplay we have seen.
XB1: We have widely seen DR3, forza 5, ryse, D4 (only journaliist saw it), project spark, titanfall, and killer instinct.
PS4: we seen have seen knack, octodad, driveclub, KZ: SF, infamous: SS (only journalist saw it) and deep down.
Personally I wasn't impressed with any of the gameplay videos for any of the PS4 games. (but that's the nice part about opinions... you don't have to agree)
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