Project spark (win 8 only) and titanfall (windows only) are the only two that are on PC, so how will you play them all on PC?
First party releases that are coming after the first year, proving your first year of support then gone theory wrong already. (some still unknown to an extent, which means no lack of games as time passes):
-Four black tusk games (one this year) and MS owned
-Japan Studios (some of which may be first year as well.) specificity of titles are not covered, but they did make lost odyssey, blue dragon, star ocean, ninety nine nights
@tommynj @rahl247 You don't like knack (which the developer of the game described as a "second purchase" gmae) and deep down? and you don't want another shooter along side COD and BF4?? .... What is wrong with you?
@rahl247 last gen that may be true, but just take a look at what you have this gen... F2p and indies (most of which will be multiplat in the long run) ...
EDIT: to be fair we don't know how many of those indies are now in collaboration with ID@Xbox, so I will retract my statement of "most" and say some, as I can not fairly say most. Grant it I will take the MS lineup any day over any amount of indies and F2P.
I would say that this is an accurate title. Especially considering both consoles each only have one 1080p/60FPS exclusive game, (Forza 5/KZ:SF) which makes me laugh when I see people whine about XB1 games that look better than PS4 games, but arent the almighty "1080p native with 60FPS.
These are only the first year AAA games!! 1.) D4 2.) Halo 3.) Black Tusk game 4.) Project Spark (free) 5.) Dead Rising 3 6.) Ryse 7.) Forza 5 8.) Fable Legends 9.) Sunset Overdrive 10.) Killer Instinct (freeish, like driveclub) 11.) Quantum Break 12.) Titanfall (feel free to post a PS4 list to compare...)
AND OF THOSE (and some not mentioned above since they aren't first year) _________________________________________________________
First party releases (some still unknown to an extent, which means no lack of games as time passes):
-Four black tusk games (one this year) and MS owned
@dj_pulserfan no one (at least not myself) Thinks that anything said negatively toward the reviewer is correct. I simply think that people take too much time worry about what others can do, think, play, watch, etc .... they need to get over it. If you don't like it don't buy it, dont watch it, don't do it...
@kevkyl no, who would, I think a 9/10 is a deserving rating ... just not for the reason given ... at least not on a business level (understandable on a personal level)
You know america (and other countries like UK, and canada) are falling apart when meeting everyone's moral views and never crossing any lines is a requirement .... why do you assclowns find it necessary to have everyone follow your exact idea of what is right and wrong blah blah blah .... Even worse it's not like those things don't happen in the real world ... Reality check everyone prostitutes are real (and mostly women), strippers are real (and mostly women), all of the stuff you are complaining about ACTUALLY HAPPENS ... thats like me being upset that someone says guys masturbate too much. The difference is I wouldn't make a big deal about it for no reason.
It's not anything compared to actual racism, racism would be not hiring a black man because he is black, or paying a woman less because she is a woman. Racism is not simply just offending someone with words, but so many believe it is, its action based on prejudice feelings, (and in a game action is impossible as it is fictional) or at the very least true hatred behind those words, which just really isn't the case.
nicksetzer's comments