@shakesmcqueen: Yeah but Xbox totally botched the entire generation with failure after failure. It's embarrassingly bad.
Ryse sucked.
Quantum Break sucked.
Scalebound sucked so hard it got canceled.
Crackdown 3 took a decade and sucked.
Halo hasn't been good in a decade which sucks.
Shall I go on? Your loyalty to a brand is admirable, but not necessary. They've literally been producing dud after dud for 7 years now. I got an S but never use for reasons said above. And as much as I love Phil Spencer as a person, he has still yet to make this machine usable.
But hey, some people would rather die than pick up a Dualshock.
I feel like placing it horizontally wont do much, seeing how incredibly thick it is.
If an apartment building fell on its side it would still be huge.
Idk. I feel like it's too big. I feel like most people will place it vertically, then dislike it and try horizontally, then dislike that and go back to vertical, but still be mad.
Its 2020. Consoles need to be 2 inches tall max.
And it's also a huge bummer that this thing looks identical to a beefy PC but has no VR support. Boo.
@thelostscribe: True, and my first thought was that it looked like a speaker lol. Still, pretty beefy overall, I'm hoping MS can beat or go toe-to-toe with Sony on specs.
Looks promising but the size is stupid. It looks like a desktop tower, which is fine, except most of us have our consoles in the living room with TV stands with 4" high niches for 2" tall consoles like XB1 and PS4.
With this, there's nowhere to put it except on the left or right side of the TV, or on the floor. Don't get me wrong, it looks lovely, just incredibly impractical for most living room setups.
Best announcement of the show easily for me. The first game was a masterpiece for so many different reasons and I typically loathe these types of games.
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