I wish the music industry did this. I've made 5 albums and don't get paid unless someone plays my song start to finish. If my song is 5 minutes and they listen for 4 mins 59 seconds I don't get a penny.
@twogirlsonecub: "It's funny to hear Joe Biden, the guy who threatens to beat up political opponents, preach about how video games teach kids to be violent."
Stopped reading at this statement. You're confusing Biden with the president.
E3 was simply a product of the 90s era. It made sense for E3 to be the best place to get attention.
Then the Internet happened. And streaming happened. And YouTube happened. And Podcasts, influencers, and content creators happened.
There's no need, money-wise or marketing-wise, to appease the old farts at E3/ESA anymore. E3 costs a fortune and companies can throw a damn block party/private event at a fraction of the costs. And they can do it all with more control and less regulations from said old farts.
I'm tired of companies like E3/ESA that think they can sit on their fat asses and collect paychecks on a dead/dying business model. The fact that ESA collects and regularly sells all individuals' personal info certainly doesn't help them either.
Anyone bitching about this is an old fart and traditionalist. Times change. Change hurts. But it'll be better for everyone in the end. Just wait.
nikolistary's comments