All of these 5 characters are brilliantly written and acted as are most of the characters in the show and that is just one of the reasons that Breaking Bad is so great. To choose my favourite character I would have to say its a tie between Walt and Jesse because of the transformation both of them have gone through over the 5 seasons.[spoiler] Mike was great its a shame Walt had to kill him off :( [/spoiler] I love Saul's one liners and witty comebacks even though he has been absent for the most part of this season I think we will see more in the last 8 episodes. I have loved Hank all the way through the show, [spoiler] and it will be interesting to see what he chooses to do when he gets up off the toilet (following his discovery) :P [/spoiler]
Yes I eat eggs as part of breakfast, yes I like to dip toast/bread into the egg and I have never gotten ill from eating eggs :P. I prefer fried egg to boiled but either way the yolk has to be relatively runny, hate a solid yolk. Besides people eat raw eggs so slightly cooked eggs can't be worse for you surely?
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