Here is your toll, Troll!You gotta pay the troll toll if you wanna get into that boy's hole
nintendo_ds_06's forum posts
Top 5 dramas: 24, LOST, Dexter,Breaking Bad,Prison Break
Comedies: Its Always Sunny, Peep Show, The Office (UK), Inbetweeners, The IT Crowd :P
Will Ferrell. I hate his face, voice, acting and everything. No a single movie has he made that I could say "he is ok"curono:| How many Will Ferrell films have you seen then... none?
TWD is a good show and I have enjoyed watching although it isn't without its problems. Then we have BB which compared to TWD is the better show on every front. I can't wait for season 5 of BB whereas I don't share the same exitement for season 3 of TWD.
I have seen most of the shows that you have mentioned here I would recommend you try 24 or Prison Break for drama, both of which I'm pretty sure are on netflix. For comedy you should try Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia (on netflix also).I don't have time to watch tv shows as they air, but netflix and hulu are godsend for me. Currenly im finishing up Breaking bad, Ive already finished Twin Peaks, Friday Night Lights, Walking Dead, Lost, and The Office. I prefer dramas but am open to anything. Anything you guys recommend as "must watch"?
EDIT: and Dexter, definitely watch that :P
Tell me about it, for some reason they have taken the world by storm... I wish they would just die =/. Oh and they will never be anywhere near as big as the beatles!
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