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nintendofreak_2 Blog

I'm fine with the redesign now...

...because some geniuses over in the Off Topic have made GS Wide actually look pretty good. I cannot thank them enough for doing this.If you use Firefox, you should really consider trying this out. It actually is tolerable now.

In other news, my basketball season starts tomorrow, which means no free time for me. Not that I had a whole lot anyway. >_> Oh well. At least I enjoy playing and I'm pretty good at it. 

As for gaming, I've been trying to keep up with the games that I have, but that's been pretty difficult. I still haven't even finished World of Goo (and I bought it on launch). >_______> I don't even want to think about finishing Shining Force 2 or Chrono Trigger whenever I pick that up. Not to mention I've got to prepare my Pokemon Platinum team before the game's release. 

An interesting band I've recently discovered

Well yet again I can thank my Ipod for providing me with new enertainment. Through a game called Tap Tap's Revenge (essentially Guitar Hero for a touch screen) I discovered a band called Celldweller. Chances are you haven't heard of them until now. However, I'd have to highly recommend them to anyone who likes hard rock or metal. Below are some links to my favorite songs by them.



One Good Reason


Basically, they're an Alternative Techno Hard Rock.... thing. >_> Whatever the heck they are, I like them, and I can't wait for their new album coming this December.

So my first car accident...

Yup, I had my first 'accident' today. Luckily, it was just a fender bender, nobody was hurt, and the person I hit was entirely cool with it (mostly because my car took all the damage and they only ended up with a barely noticeable scratch). I just hope my parents don't get pissed at me. >_>

In other news, I bought World of Goo. How did this game get a 9.5 on IGN? Shall I count the ways or just say it's completely phenomenal that a 3 person team can make a game like this.

Where does all that time go?

I get home, play some basketball, come back in, eat dinner, start homework... and it's already 8 pm. How does 4 and a half hours disappear so quickly everyday? I don't even get to play video games that much anymore, I finally got around to downloading SMRPG, and as a bonus Shining Force 2 came out yesterday and World of Goo comes out next Monday. Since I'm on the subject, I'd like to mention that there is a good chance I'll have more downloaded games than actual Wii games by the end of this generation. I can almost guarentee it.

Anyway, I seriously don't know how exactly I manage to get so much homework all the time and still not be stressed out in the slightest. Heck, I even have above a 4.0 for midterm. I'm not used to having to do so much work, and if I'm not doing school work I'm probably playing basketball or sleeping. I do go out with friends (weekly now) but that's usually when I actually have a break. Anyone else having the same problem?

So homecoming?

Yeah... I think I'd rather be waiting in line at the DMV than go to homecoming again. At least I know that I'd be getting closer to what I went there for.

Another update on stuff

So homecoming is next week for me which means I'm staying home as usually... wait... I'm actually going with somebody this year? :o (For you European folk, homecoming is an annual school dance) To make things better, I'm going with a girl I've had a bit of a crush on for a while so... yeah. Go me.

Speaking of school, my work load has dropped a bit since last week, and it looks like I might have slightly over-estimated things a little bit. I've still got more work than I'm used to doing, but I should have more free time than I thought. I'm not feeling all that overwhelmed either, so I guess it's all good.

One of my neighbors has been asking me to do some yard work and other things around their house so I've now got some sort of income (and I have to admit they're over-paying me a bit, but I'm not going to complain :P). It's obviously not going to last that long with winter coming up in another 2 months, but if all goes as planned they'll have paid me $80 this week (after doing the math they're basically paying me about $23 an hour).

As for my physical condition, my weight has pretty much stabilized so I'm definately okay. As I've mentioned before though, I've been lifting weights so that's probably the reason as to why my weight hasn't been dropping (muscle weighs more than fat afterall. I have to admit it's nice to have my abs and that one arm vein back. :P

Anyway, as far as gaming has gone for me, I haven't changed my mind. I've just not had the urge to play anything. I'm probably only going to play when friends come over, or if a new game comes out that I actually want. There's a few of them, but I'm probably not going to be playing them like I would normally. Of course, maybe I'll do some tournaments here on GS if I feel like it, but other than that... meh.

Overall life's been pretty good to me lately. How about all of you?

There is a small possibility...

...that I might be a little overwhelmed. As far as my school year is going so far, I've got mixed feelings towards it. Socially I've blossomed quite a bit and I can basically hang out with people on either side of the spectrum (you know what I mean too, whether you agree with it or not). Work wise... >_>. 3 AP classes, 2 Advanced Science classes, and Pre-Calculus all add up to a bit of homework. So far I haven't had one night off from homework, and most of the time I'm working for a few hours (last weekend I had an accumulative of probably 8 hours) until I just can't get myself to work anymore. I'm actually behind a little bit (nothing that needs turned in, and I'm just going to spend the weekend working on catching up). :?

Normally I would be just completely ticked off, but after last year (if any of you know about those shenanigans) I'm actually pretty happy I've got so much homework. Last year I had homework maybe 2 or 3 times a week, and I was usually ahead of schedule, so I didn't feel pressured or challenged. This year I know that I'll at least have to work, which in some ways is rather comforting knowing that my teachers want me to know the content. Not that all my teachers last year were bad (just two of them in particular were horrible) but most of them catered to the average student instead of people more like myself, so I barely even tried last year and got A's in most classes. So all in all I guess my teachers this year are making up for last year.

As for my health condition from my last blog post, I'd say that much is over now. I've been sleeping normally, and I'm eating a little bit more. My weight is still dropping (although much slower than last week) which is understandable considering I play basketball for at least 2 hours everyday now (as well as lift weights daily) and I eat less than what I do over the summer. I guess it was caused by stress from school and some other events, but I'm still not sure. The good news is I've still got 20 or so pounds to lose before I'm in any trouble, and I doubt I'm going to lose 20 pounds anytime soon, so I should be fine. For those of you who were concerned, I can say that there is no need to worry anymore.

Gaming wise... I might quit. I've lost a lot of will to play video games, and I barely have the time even if I felt like it. I doubt I'll be around GS for much longer (same goes for GT) unless more game like Fragile and Kizuna start showing up (not necessarily that genre, but just that there is noticeable effort in all parts of the game). I'm still hyped for a few games (Chrono Trigger DS, Tales 2, LKS, FE DS, Platinum and the previously mentioned 2) but all of these are coming out in the span of almost a year. Most other games (aside from Spore, Banjo, and LBP) just don't hold much interest from me (and I mean from all systems, just because I don't own them doesn't mean I don't look into them). This might be my last generation for gaming, it's just getting to expensive and there's too little interest for me to keep on going.

So yeah... that's how my life's been going.

Is there a doctor in the house?

There has to be someting wrong with me. >_>

Over the past week, I've lost 5 pounds, only eaten dinner (since I don't have time for breakfast and school lunch is well... you know, and even when I've eaten it has been much less than usual), and I've had significantly less sleep than usual (maybe 14 hours total) and yet... I feel amazing. :? There was one night I actually got a good nights sleep, and I woke up feeling like crap and that feeling continued for most of the day. I only got 1 hour the next night and the I felt... outstanding the next day.

Now I don't have any form of insomnia (at least not that I know of), but there has to be some reason for all of this stuff happening and me feeling better than previous weeks when I was actually living in a healthy manner. >_>

You could say I'm a bit confused right now...Anyone have any ideas? >_>

School starts tomorrow.... >_>


Another summer wasted. >_>

Let's look at what I've done compared to what I wanted to do...

Speed runs on LostWinds- phail
Buy and complete FFTA2- win
Play Brawl- win
Play Mario Kart- phail
Hang out with friends- mostly win (We really didn't start hanging out until August rolled around, but we did hang out a good bit lately, so I guess it's ok. I usually only see my friends maybe twice over the summer, so I did more this year compareed to other years)
Work out and get in better shape- phail (I gained 3 pounds, but I never tried to do anything to improve myself physically so I guess it's not so bad. At least it isn't like last year when I gained something like 15 pounds O_o)