...that I might be a little overwhelmed. As far as my school year is going so far, I've got mixed feelings towards it. Socially I've blossomed quite a bit and I can basically hang out with people on either side of the spectrum (you know what I mean too, whether you agree with it or not). Work wise... >_>. 3 AP classes, 2 Advanced Science classes, and Pre-Calculus all add up to a bit of homework. So far I haven't had one night off from homework, and most of the time I'm working for a few hours (last weekend I had an accumulative of probably 8 hours) until I just can't get myself to work anymore. I'm actually behind a little bit (nothing that needs turned in, and I'm just going to spend the weekend working on catching up). :?
Normally I would be just completely ticked off, but after last year (if any of you know about those shenanigans) I'm actually pretty happy I've got so much homework. Last year I had homework maybe 2 or 3 times a week, and I was usually ahead of schedule, so I didn't feel pressured or challenged. This year I know that I'll at least have to work, which in some ways is rather comforting knowing that my teachers want me to know the content. Not that all my teachers last year were bad (just two of them in particular were horrible) but most of them catered to the average student instead of people more like myself, so I barely even tried last year and got A's in most classes. So all in all I guess my teachers this year are making up for last year.
As for my health condition from my last blog post, I'd say that much is over now. I've been sleeping normally, and I'm eating a little bit more. My weight is still dropping (although much slower than last week) which is understandable considering I play basketball for at least 2 hours everyday now (as well as lift weights daily) and I eat less than what I do over the summer. I guess it was caused by stress from school and some other events, but I'm still not sure. The good news is I've still got 20 or so pounds to lose before I'm in any trouble, and I doubt I'm going to lose 20 pounds anytime soon, so I should be fine. For those of you who were concerned, I can say that there is no need to worry anymore.
Gaming wise... I might quit. I've lost a lot of will to play video games, and I barely have the time even if I felt like it. I doubt I'll be around GS for much longer (same goes for GT) unless more game like Fragile and Kizuna start showing up (not necessarily that genre, but just that there is noticeable effort in all parts of the game). I'm still hyped for a few games (Chrono Trigger DS, Tales 2, LKS, FE DS, Platinum and the previously mentioned 2) but all of these are coming out in the span of almost a year. Most other games (aside from Spore, Banjo, and LBP) just don't hold much interest from me (and I mean from all systems, just because I don't own them doesn't mean I don't look into them). This might be my last generation for gaming, it's just getting to expensive and there's too little interest for me to keep on going.
So yeah... that's how my life's been going.
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