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nintendofreak_2 Blog

So Spring Break is next week...

I can't wait. :D But I suppose I should take a look at all of the occurences of this week rewinding back to Saturday to see why it will be a rather sad Spring Break around here.

Saturday night I invited a friend over for some co-op Brawl stuff so the two of us could unlock everything on my file and then we could transfer it over to his Wii (which apparently you can't do >_>). Anyway, we took some pictures, did some co-op, made some 1337 stages, and just Brawled it out. Sometime before he came over, I got a phone call and I learned that there was a car accident and 4 students from the high school- my high school- died and one is in the hospital (she should be leaving the hospital sometime soon, maybe she already has, I don't quite remember). So Sunday we have a huge memorial type thingat our high school, and just about half of the town shows up to show their respects. Quite a touching thing.

So Monday I go to school, which is usually loud and noisy, but was silent and well... practically dead. Nobody was talking or anything. Pretty creepy. Tuesday everything was a little bit better, but still... pretty sad. After Wednesday, things were rather normal. Thursday morning however, more bad news. Another car wreck occured, this time killing one 2007 graduate and injuring another.

Basically this whole week has been about funerals. There are still 2 more that will be held sometime over the weekend and next week. Pretty bad way to start out your Spring Break...

I feel rather cold hearted for not being too upset other these people's deaths, but I really did not know any of them too well. They were nice people though, that much I knew.

I just can't decide...

See this?


I'm getting tired of seeing it after all of my posts. I need something new. I'm thinking about putting my mains in Brawl into my next sig, but I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to do everything.

I've also got some of my pics I took from Brawl uploaded and posted on GS. I kind of want to use them, but they're more for commical purposes...

And then I've got... well you know. ;)

Anyway, I just don't know what I should do. I am leaning towards using my Brawl mains personally.

Any suggestions?

I'm even more busy. :/

So with Brawl basically knocking on my doorstep, I have to finish everything before Sunday. When I say everything, I mean I have a book to finish, which I still have about 300 pages left (amazing book though, it's called World Without End, I would really recommend it), then I have to write a few stories and report type things, some involve me having read this book. Technically I have until Thursday to finish this stuff, but I won't be able to do it once Brawl comes out since I'll be too preocupied playing that... anyway, I'll see you guys later, I've got work to do afterall. >_______________________>

Busy, busy, busy....

Dang I am so busy today. I go to do some math stuff after school every Wednesday (today) until 5. Now I have to write up some franchise overviews today (this is what I'm talking about), which will take at least an hour, then I have a book that I need finished by next Thursday, and then ever Wednesday I go to play some basketball with some older guys at 8:30. The thing I hate is that I can have absolutely nothing to do one day (like yesterday) and then the next day I will be completely swamped with stuff.

Anyone else have this problem?

I'm looking for some new music...

I mostly like more modern rock, metal, and alternative stuff, but I do listen to other types. I like bands like Breaking Benjamin, Linkin Park, Yellowcard, Rise Against, O.A.R., and Lifehouse. Anyone got some suggestions? Just name some songs and the band name and I can look it up myself, I don't trust some people posting links. >_>

Just don't suggest any country or christian music or else. :|

Well that was stupid...

So today we had a 2 hour delay for school... you know, nothing special. So I sleep in a little bit until around 8:20 or so, get up and take a look outside and see snowflakes that are literally about an inch big falling at a very fast rate. At this point I'm thinking there is no way we have school today. I check online and it says we're only delayed. I check every TV channel that announces school delays and closings and it says we're delayed. So I suck it up and go to school not really all that annoyed, but on the way I couldn't help but notice how bad the roads were.

So I go to first period, we get our assignment and I finished early. Since my first period is in a computer lab and our teacher doesn't care what we do on the computers (within limits of course) as long as we have our work done I decide to check online to see if we're getting out early. And there it is. It said we were getting out at 1 PM. So basically within 30 minutes of arriving at school we knew we were getting out early... so what was the point of coming today? We didn't get enough hours for it to actually count as a school day and all we accomplished was wasting gas and loss of sleep. So out of the 55 counties here, we wereone of the only 6 (I think) that did not close.

Oh well. No use crying over spilt milk. I was playing basketball half of the time I was there anyways. :P

A bunch of stuff that you might care about(not completely random blog)*Added*

So apparently there is a wheat shortage. As you know, wheat is used to make bread, and since there is a shortage, the price of most, or perhaps all, bread products will be doubling or maybe even tripling. :o Pretty bad news when you think about how common bread is in an average meal.

We got a load of snow today. O_o When I left for school this morning, there was literally no snow on the ground. It starts snowing when I get to school and I would guess it snowed all day. We got out early (it would have been earlier than what it was but we didn't have enoguh buses due to a field tripfor some club or something) and when I went outside, there was at least 4 or 5 inches of snow on the ground. :shock: That is almost an inch of snow every hour, and that's not counting the stuff that melted. It gets better though. It's supposed to snow all night. :D I don't think I'll have school tomorrow.

Brawl can not come any sooner... 17 days left and I absolutely can not wait any longer. The worst part is... I've beaten my library of games and I don't have anything to play to tide me over. :cry: It would help if there were some actually good VC games that I haven't played before, but that would be too easy wouldn't it? :|

I won't have to leave! So I fixed my little problem that caused my previous blog. Everything worked out well. :D

Nothing else to talk about really.... so umm....
