Force Awakens for me was just as bad, if not worse than the prequels it was only successful due to nostalgia, it was rehash typicall of Jjabrams much like the Star Trek movies. Rogue One i think will be the kinda Star Wars film they should only make. Its got a great director, amazing cast and a awesome story idea that keeps to the original trilogy. We will see the original storm troopers, deathstar etc It Should be far far better and more popular for the original trilogy fans than force awakens any day.
Agree. If i cant run it at 1080p on nvidia 1070 at 60fps. Theres no way on earth the new ps4 will run it with the hardware specs its getting unless the graphics are preset on the lowest quality. Its a nice update to the console but it needs Nvidia or Amd flagship equivelent GPUs to make it worth while.
Hey guys. The only boss on this list that gave me big problems was Abyss Watchers. Took me 20-30 attemps to beat this one. I was very lucky with Pontiff. On 3rd or 4th attempt he just stayed at range and was able to just spam soul spear at him and he went down. The hardest boss in the entire game for me was Audrich. As pure caster i found this boss imposible. I had to respec to malee build just to beat it. Not tried nameless king yet but im too scared to try.
Only reason id buy aPS4 in first place is for Bloodbourne, would it last for 1 play through of this game. Bere in mind i put in 400 hours into dark souls 2 and kinda expect prob same with BB if the pvp is as good.
@pikanoob: From my own experience with this game the combat and bullet sponge enemies reminds me of a Bethesda RPG, be it Fallout or Skyrim. Its an unavoidable mechanic of and RPG shooter that you gotta get use too. If you ask me this game is way better in this regard than any of the Bethesda games Ive played and you do get that real sense of becoming powerfull as you gain better gear and lvl up. I actually find the combat in this game incredibly addictive.
@SnuffDaddyNZ: idd wow engine is optimised to the max. Never played rift so wouldnt know. Age of conan has prob the best graphics for an mmo and smooth as silk. Swtor engine is just terible. I recently reloaded the game to try on my newly upgraded rig, hopeing the performance had improved. Omg how wrong was i. Its worse if anything.
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