[QUOTE="nnavidson"][QUOTE="iwo4life"][QUOTE="nnavidson"][QUOTE="xxThyLordxx"][QUOTE="Binski"]After seeing that list I really give up trying to convincing people not purchase a PS3 this year. That list speaks for itself, Maybe 2008 purchase but not worth it this year.iwo4life
Xbox 360 is worth it? what game makes Xbox 360 a worthy purchase. nothing, just gears of war.
Over half of the games on that list are going to be on the 360. A large portion of them out sooner, and some of those already well played.
I'm being completely honest saying that I thought someone posted a list of 360 games as a trick at first.
Oh and since you asked, games that make a 360 worth it, off the top of my head: (I'm only listing games currently out.)
Viva Pinata
Dead Rising ++
Lost Planet++
Fight Night*
Saints Row+
LOTR: Battle for Middle Earth
Splinter Cell DA
Marvel Ultimate Alliance*
Dead or Alive
Burnout Revenge
What makes that list so much better than the PS3 list other than Gears. Half of those games are also on PS3 or are over hyped flops. Give me a break.I put * next to the games you can play on your PS3 right now. Since we're on gamespot, I'll let you call the games flops, although the majority are not, they're still good games.
I put a + sign for games that will be out for PS3 in the next few months. I put a ++ sign for games that are likely to be ported to PS3 because they are built off the same engine Capcom made for mulitplats such as RE5 called the Framework Engine. The rest of the games are not really enough to make me want a 360 over the PS3 and a Blu Ray player. Granted some of them are good and I will probably buy a 360 when they drop in price but not yet. Lets face it, the build quality on the 360 has been dubious at best. I want to wait for a while more until further revisions with better features come out. There have been very little reported problems with the PS3 other than those kiosk versions. I don't know anyone who has a Kiosk in their home so I guess those are irrelevant.My response was to someone who said "what game makes Xbox 360 a worthy purchase. nothing, just gears of war." I posted several games that make it worth a $400 purchase, especially if you don't own a PS3. Also, we're talking a LONG wait for some of those games to finally grace the PS3, and the ones you put ++ to may never happen.
I plan on buying a PS3 when I can justify the price. I don't own an HD televison so Bluray doesn't mean anything until I do, or they release some huge games. Also, the highest profile exclusives may not even be out in 2007 and several games I've seen hyped on gamespot have been based on CGI targets.
As far as build quality, I held off on a 360 purchace because of reports of faulty systems. I bought mine in June and purchased an extended 2 year warranty. I have had zero problems. Compare that to the Wii, I'm on my third system. It stinks that the 360 had faulty systems but with the one year warranty, you're most likely going to catch if you have a good system or not.
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