[QUOTE="no_handlebars"]You see this sig? Yeah, that's right. Your eyes do not deceive you. That's Mr. T punching a shark and wrestling an alligator. I believe I've said all that I need to say. *Heads back to GUFU IRC*Chutebox
Futurama >> Mr. T
This is the amount of people that agree with that statement.
You see this sig? Yeah, that's right. Your eyes do not deceive you. That's Mr. T punching a shark and wrestling an alligator. I believe I've said all that I need to say. *Heads back to GUFU IRC*
[QUOTE="TheCoreGamer_"][QUOTE="SpruceCaboose"]You are just having a field day today. How about this: All the systems have great games and bad games, and the only thing that should matter is personal preference. You don't need to judge these systems based on someone else's likes and dislikes.SpruceCaboose
There can only be One Winner. Yeah, the gamers who get to enjoy all these great games. Fanboys are the ones who lose, since they spend so much time with hatred for a company/toy. Well ,well. Look at you. Using logic and whatnot. I bet you think mighty high of yourself. :P
[QUOTE="no_handlebars"]Ugh. Really cows? Damage control over this? REALLY. *Insert my string of profanities from GUFU IRC* You all still have the AAAE lead this year and you will likely have it at the end of the year. Just roll with the punches. Damn. Hell, you could be happy that the lems got an AAAE, but nooooooooo that wouldn' be very system wars like. *Punches a shark in disgust*Giancar
man where have you BEENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN? All SW misses you! :P
Heh. Took a well needed vacation from SW over the summer. I've been spending most of time in IRC though. I'm back now though. :P
Ugh. Really cows? Damage control over this? REALLY. *Insert my string of profanities from GUFU IRC* You all still have the AAAE lead this year and you will likely have it at the end of the year. Just roll with the punches. Damn. Hell, you could be happy that the lems got an AAAE, but nooooooooo that wouldn' be very system wars like. *Punches a shark in disgust*
[QUOTE="redfordo"][QUOTE="rolo107"]More concerned about the non-casuals myself. Honestly, there aren't any casuals who come to this board, so for me, it's not that big of a deal. IronBass
Sony cant keep up and they are not in the financial position to do so. I think you should be more concerned about their not being a PS4 next gen ;) There's no reason for Sony, after two gens of absolute dominance, to not create a new PS console just because a single gen of bad results. Hell, if Nintendo or MS dropped out after one year of bad results then Sony would actually be the only one left. :P
Sorry folks, I do believe that this may be staying exclusive.
"Surprisingly, it appears Sony may have given up a sure thing to get a not-so-sure thing. In a recent episode of the television show Game Head, SCEA CEO and President Jack Tretton was quoted as saying the PS3 exclusive rights for Rockstar's next great franchise was secured, "In exchange for letting them out of [the Grand Theft Auto IV] exclusive."
Why no_handlebars, you handsome devil, you even provided the link!
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