@the_big_doggg By the way, so you understand how debating works, making a huge blanket statement with nothing to back it up just makes you sound woefully uninformed and one sided.
@the_big_doggg You clearly don't understand how politics work. He is ONE guy. The rest of the laws and the economy we live in is decided by congressmen, senators, and corporations. You're KIDDING yourself if you only think its Obama. He's part of the problem, just as much as George W. Bush was. It's the SYSTEM that needs to be changed.
@rmartinezdl Just quit buying EA games, simple solution, one that's been working very well for me the last 5 years or so. As far as I'm concerned, vote with your wallet and let that company die, they are NO good for anyone but the CEO and the vultures on top, EA just wants destroy the gaming industry so they can bilk it for all its worth.
@Ezeooz EA ruined the last ten years of football games by buying out the NFL license so they could be the only publisher around. That and a million other nasty little corporate manuevers have given them the reputation they've earned. EA sucks, theri company is the 'Wal-Mart' of gaming: They undercut, pay their employees nothing, and generally just everything in the name of profit.
@the_big_doggg This isn't the forum for a political debate, but even if it was, the blame lies with many crooked politicians, not just one guy. The fact that you blame one guy speaks a lot about your ignorance, the corruption in this country stems back many, many generations. I'm giving your post 0/10 for not only trolling, but for being painfully stupid as well.
@xeidog69 You nailed it on the head. Its pretty much EXACTLY what Microsoft is angling for: They want you to throw away your money on digital distribution so you'll never REALLY own anything, and they'll own it all, simple enough.
@donnyb20 The bottom line is that Microsoft has already revealed its horrendous attitude towards customers about 30 different ways now. Quit trying so hard to like Microsoft, there's nothing to like.
Microsoft, yet again, fails to understand the consumer. $500 is NOT a value when you can't use it to play games. Oh yeah, and the consumer ALSO doesn't like to be spied on, ripped off, and TOLD what they want.
@TruthSerum808 @SharnOfTheDead I think the concern is that Cliffy B doesn't really represent most gamers, he's basically backing up this twisted thinking that used games and new games can't co-exist. Nothing has changed, they CAN co-exist, its just that these greedy D-bag publishers want MORE MORE MORE. That's why we have DLC up the ying yang these days and why most games are dumped off half-finished to the public: They want your $$$, they could care less about the quality of the game or any creative notion.
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