@iamrob7 Rob, you sound like a jackass who has WAY too much time on your hands. Congrats on proving a kid (who's most likely around 8 years old) wrong every which way and coming off as a complete jerk in the process. Apparently being a D-bag on the internet gets you off, which is pretty sad.
The thing is, you can still be right and not be jerk about it, but apparently you enjoy being a clown/virgin. Have fun with that, I'm going to the beach with my girlfriend (Judging from your condescending posts, I'm sure you don't encounter the word 'girl' or 'date' too much in your personal life).
Don't bother replying as I won't waste my time to read your no doubt 6 page long retaliation post where you try to put me down and reassert yourself as someone who actually has something intelligent to say . Suffice to say, get a life, loser. Now you feel pretty dumb, right? (Sorry, just HAD to quote you!)
no_pants_4_u's comments