Regardless of what Microsoft says after this guy's comment, there's no denying it: He already summed up the company's position on how they feel. I guarantee his talk wasn't driven by rumor alone, he's high enough in their organization to know the details of what's going down. What us gamers can guarantee is that Microsoft either fixes this immediately by firing this clown and changing the online requirement...or they can expect total annihilation next console war. Fact.
@omar_q Wrong. There's a zillion good reasons, they've already been stated too many times to count. Please educate YOURSELF before saying the rest of us don't have a reason why we're angry.
Going strong for 5000 comments, this clown Adam Orth just COMPLETELY blew it and basically let all gamers know how Microsoft feels about its fan base. ANY company that tries to sell you something while ignoring what you actually want and telling you to 'deal with it'...well, suffice to say this one tweet just pissed off millions of gamers in no time flat. I'll 'deal' with Adam and Microsoft when the next consoles hit by not dealing with them at all.
@Landsharkk Its hardly a rumor when a creative director is telling you how its going to be, he's obviously high up in their structure and knows what's going down. What he doesn't know is that Microsoft is what's going down next cycle. This is coming from a guy who has owned his 360 and has a lot of games and hours invested into it, you can't make those kinds of statements and expect anything less than a colossal negative reaction.
I'm hoping his 'always on' corporate tool attitude is ready for annihilation, he just alienated the entire gaming community. What a complete and utter punk, I love my Xbox, but its TOAST next gaming cycle, all thanks to this blowhard prick. What am I saying? Thank YOU Adam Orth, for helping me make up mind nice and early without even so much as hearing what the next Xbox will offer. To sum it up, one Twitter from this guy pretty much destroyed Microsoft and exposed their bottom line for all to see. Sorry Microsoft, you can't promote morons and expect anything less than stupidity.
I've got a reply for Adam Orth: He can 'deal' with getting absolutely thrashed in the next console war, this is a complete no-brainer. He single handedly made me change my mind about what system I'll likely buy, all from one comment. Microsoft: Fire this idiot immediately. What he fails to understand is that gamers will continue to game as WE choose, not as THEY choose. I currently own an Xbox, but I have no loyalties, I'm going to buy the next console that works for ME. Wow, this guy is a complete joke, he doesn't understand a thing about the industry or what it means to be a gamer, just another arrogant corporate hack who can only think in terms of business models and how much he can profit. He basically just alienated almost every single player out there, regardless of what type of machine they use to game. Adam Orth: Suck it. Deal with THAT.
That's really too bad, I was really looking forward to this title because I've been a SimCity fan in the past. Unfortunately, the fact that EA sucks as a publisher (I don't support EA or their greedy policies), alongside the broken game play and DRM thanks. Honest review and a good heads up, well done.
I hope the UK hates it just as much as we do here in the US. There's no NEED for this to be 'online only', plain and simple. Plus, EA is just another greedy corporation trying to put out an unfinished lackluster product, which you can't even 'own' because of the online requirement. No thanks EA, epic fail.
no_pants_4_u's comments