@GheTToDaN15 Lol thanks, I just feel like there's soooooo much negativity these days whenever someone or something tries to break the mold and come up with a new idea. Its like everybody wants new things, but they derail everything unless its the same. People on the internet just slay me sometimes.
@CHROMEFLAMIN They aren't marketing this to someone like YOU obviously. This is a PORTABLE gaming device, I highly doubt you'll be bringing your TV and PC onto a subway train anytime soon. But if you do, please record it and paste it on youtube so I can laugh at you.
@snaketus @dreamfist11 @hella_epic I'm almost 30 and it looks fine to me...of course. do you REALLY care what it looks like? Are you so hung up on appearance of a machine that you play video games on? The fact that you're 28 and honestly care about such things just means YOU'RE the one who's 13 on the inside.
@Metallicwolf29 Dude, you're obviously very narrow minded. This is a machine made for games of all types, not just one game. Also, WoW has been on the market for how long? 7 years? I'd say if you REALLY have expectations for ONE game to keep you entertained brilliantly for 7 years straight and complain about it...you're a spoiled little brat who needs a wake up call. Games aren't meant to replace reality, something you need a dose of apparently.
@OkRaider88 Why will it fail? You give no reasons other than YOUR own personal dislike of it. I believe otherwise, and though this may not be THE gaming machine of the future, its an attempt...practice makes perfect, as the saying goes. Maybe you could use a little practice yourself at life, instead of being such a sarcastic little goon?
You knuckleheads fail to grasp the bigger picture here: This is an attempt at trying to introduce a new type of gaming, why so much hate and derision every time a person or company comes up with a new idea? Some people will buy this, others won't. What's not helpful is being a sarcastic little peon and trying to discourage others from inventing and coming up with new things. Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell...ever heard of those folks? You sound like just the same kind of doubters that told them that their ideas were bad too. Maybe YOU should try being creative yourself instead of just being the typical passive aggressive snot wads that criticize others. Now, go suck on an exhaust pipe and breathe in hard until you can't type anymore. The world will be better for it.
@DrKill09 Dude, you're hella stupid. Do you really think that just because you talk the way YOU do, people don't use different dialects or have different euphemisms? Quit being so ethnocentric...you can start by looking up the word 'ethnocentric'. It's also called being ignorant. Look that up also.
no_pants_4_u's comments