Hey Adam Orth: We don't owe shit to you or the corporation you bow down to. We, as gamers, choose to vote with our wallets and as such have no need to take advice from some corporate hack who doesn't have the slightest clue as to what gamers want. Please take time to learn that you can't be an asshole and expect people to like it. We're people first, not consumers. DEAL WITH IT.
@Acekidder He's an executive at the company, not a janitor, so he's privy to what Microsoft's plan is. When he tweeted that, I'm pretty darn sure it wasn't just based on a 'rumor'. As for Microsoft, its up to them to set the record straight for what they plan to do. So far though, all of their statements indicate that internet will always need to be on. It matters until proven otherwise.
I need to remember to ask Adam Orth what it feels like to slit his own throat. What an incredible MORON. Of course, he won't have any money after he's fired to pay for internet, so I'll just have to send him a letter instead of e-mailing him. You know, cause that's the world we live in, he can 'deal with it'.
@Acekidder @no_pants_4_u @jaykay151 I hope your right, I don't think any gamer wants to ever see an online only requirement, but only time will tell if Microsoft wants to slit its own throat.
@Acekidder Too little, too late. He's clearly high up in their company and knows enough about the next Xbox to know the details of what they're planning. Microsoft can say what it wants, they're going to pay dearly for alienating their customer base.
@jaykay151 Wrong. Its the stance of the company that refuses to listen to what gamers actually want and telling us that we need to 'deal with it'. Microsoft is going to get a grip when they get shredded in the next console cycle. By the way, please don't try to generalize the gaming community, you don't represent the overwhelming majority of us that dislike being 'online' all the time and needing permission from a company to enjoy the gaming experience.
@Deon101sky Oh yeah, this guy just buried them. His arrogant attitude and fat wallet must have led him to believe that he can trash his fan base and get away with it. He thought wrong.
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