I've read the series a number of times and I think it is very good.It's true though the further along you get the slower and more drawn out the books become. It's also worth noting that the series has some similarities to Lord of the Rings (what fantasy series doesn't?) and the Dune series, both of which are excellent in their own right. At the end of the day I definitely recommend the Wheel of Time but note this: if you plan to read the entire series it wouldn't hurt to take notes on characters and places and events, by the end it can be hard to recall all of the minutiae.
I especially enjoy the feeling when it's soo intense that you feel like you know what's going to happen next: this is called presque vu. The whole Deja Vu /Presque Vu idea fits well with my hypothesis on reverse aging: that rather than get older and die we are actually growing younger into our birth in another life/existence.
My second electric guitar was an Epiphone Les Paul Special II- it sounds decent with the right amp and some good distortion pedals, it'll run you about $190 to $200. Not a guitar for the serious S**T but decent beginners guitar.
I certainly can'y deny John Bonham's talent but I prefer the easy listening of the likes of Danny Carey (Tool) and Jimmy Chaimberlin (The Smashing Pumpkins)
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