any one know a good site that I could order region 2 DVD's and have them sent to the US? Any idea where I can find a conversion calculator for Pounds to Dollars?
I'm a pretty avid drinker, an aspiring alcoholic if you ask my wife. I'll have about 6-8 beers a day, my wife is home in the evenings but she doesn't drink very often, so she's there but I'm drinking alone. Those 6-8 are just drinks you know? On weekends it goes to about 10-12 and that's when I get a good buzz goin. I don't normally get drunk though, but you know every so often during NASCAR with my father in law, or playing Guitar Hero with a buddy i cut lose and get tanked, but not really on purpose. I just drink until I go to bed...
Empire Strikes Back Raiders of the Lost Ark Sin City Fight Club Night of the Living Dead Nosferatu Superman 2 City of Lost Children A Scanner Darkly A Clockwork Orange (the only novel adptation that is better than the book it's based on that I have ever seen)
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