norfair_dweller's forum posts
If Playstation had no system sellers, why did people buy the system? You'll probably say, "for the variety."Yes, for the variety of system-selling titles. If the PS and PS2 only had a variety of mediocre titles that people kinda sorta wanted, the consoles never would have had the success they did.
Again, if we follow your view, then series like Final Fantasy, Grand Theft Auto, and Gran Turismo are not system sellers, which is of course mistaken.
What about variety of quality games? The Gamecube was defined by Mario, Metroid, and Zelda. The Xbox was Halo. With the PlayStation 2, it wasn't like that. The PS2 was defined by a diverse library of quality games, not a particular game or games that really stuck out from the pack. Or at least that's how I look at it. A system seller to me is the one game that truly makes you want to buy a console; the beacon in the rather large game library, so to speak. The PS2didn't have a one particular game, it had many particular games. There were really high quality games like Grand Theft Auto, Gran Turismo, and Metal Gear Solid, there were the good quality, and there were the decent, and the crap.
The way I'm going is really subjective. I don't look at those many particular games as system sellers, but some people might.
I'd go with Edmonton Games Festival, or something to that effect. Not exactly flashy, but it communicates the point perfectly.
No way. Have you gone through this guy's posting history? At all? No offense or anything, but it's not exactly a clean slate.
oh ok, I just thought I would give it a try and see if he could get in. He does have his "good" moments sometimes, which I witnessed on a few occasions
I really don't think that redeems him of his blatant insults and fanboyism.
so you think mgs4 wont moive ps3 units when it hit us.
you think mgs4 wont move ps3 units on japan.
u think mgs4 wont move ps3 units in europe.
you are asdumb as any other lemming on this fourm
Resorting to insults is bad enough, as its a sure sign of immaturity. But what's more you didn't even read the post, because he said that Metal Gear Solid is a system seller. People these days... :roll:
The PlayStation brand has never been defined by one particular game or series. Those games are usually system sellers. The PlayStations usually have a diverse lineup of games and not one that really sticks out as its number one game, which would be a system seller. If it wasn't that way, Metal Gear Solid would be considered a system seller. But because of this, I don't consider it one. I don't consider any PlayStation game a system seller.
A fad is when public interest dies off in a product that's still kicking. Public interest in consoles dies off when they're left for dead. So consoles in general aren't fads. Calling any console a fad before its interest from the public has died off is nothing but pure speculation. Anyone who calls it a fact is very misinformed.
No way. Have you gone through this guy's posting history? At all? No offense or anything, but it's not exactly a clean slate.
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