I'm only up to about Chapter 10/11 in the story, but I'm starting to get into the weapon crafting- always trying to make things past the classic plasma cutter- to be honest I found the regular plasma cutter quickly becomes redundant.
Currently I'm rocking a submachine gun (military engine with a tip I can't recall right now) with a shotgun on the lower tip (military engine and conical dispersal tip) for anyone who gets too close, with the stasis attachment on that affects everyone you shoot- useful against both Necromorphs and humans.
And my other weapon is a two-handed rip core like the classic weapon (default tip) and a pneumatic torch on the lower tool, cause burning stuff is always fun. And the ripper is very useful against Feeders (the skinny Necros who attack in big numbers cause they're so naturally weak). Oh, and I stick the electrical charge attachment on just for the hell of it.
Clearly she doesn't realise that this guy kills Gods for breakfast, Titans for supper, and every other mythological creature in between for the rest of the day.
To me, TR 2 was the best one in the original series, alongside the Last Revelation. And watching these videos goes to show how much games have changed in general-pretty much every game now gives you a tutorial section to teach you the controls, etc., while Tomb Raider kind of just dropped you into the game and let you loose.
And of course the controls are awkward due to lack of analogue direction, but it was easier on Playsation than it was on PC. Just saying. :p You're getting better Johnny, but I can advise that you can just walk up to edges (using the walk button) and not fall off. Useful for zip-lines/tricky jumps. :)
As much as I'd want to snap this up now, I just can't stretch my budget at the moment, so I'll no doubt pick it up somewhere down the line. It looks great though- as expected, and it reminds me a lot of Dragon Quest VIII- and Level 5 have always made great RPG's as far as I'm concerned.
Not really surprised by the uproar against this- the way the world works nowadays, you can't do anything without upsetting at least one person. And if you don't apologize then you'd be hounded until you did or someone stepped down/was fined/was sacked. You see it a lot with British politicians...
You know, I was really starting to believe that most commentators were starting to move away from the general view that violent video games leads to more violent behavior in people...guess I was wrong. :/
Of course, you read any Daily Mail article about violent games...that's a whole other story.
So, going off of Yakuza logic, walking the streets by yourself in Japan isn't a good idea as random thugs still like to pick fights with you for no reason. :p
Still, this looks a lot better than the other games graphics wise. Seems they finally made a new engine for it.
*sighs* And there I was thinking society was getting past blaming violent video games for all of life's atrocities...
Like plenty of other people have said, the NRA's looking to blame everything aside from the obvious elephant in the room. It was the same with Columbine and these other tragedies- never mind what state of mind these people were in, just blame the video games. To quote a line from Spec Ops: The Line...
"Where is all this violence coming from? Is it the video games? I bet its the video games..."
Oh God, the BANE. Don't remind me. >.> I much prefer the sniper rifle that insults you actively. I've course it's insulting me, but at least it's not annoying.
Speaking of Borderlands 2, that was probably my favorite video game guns of 2012- so much variety in there, closely followed by Max Payne 3- all real-world weapons, sure, but they just cause so much horrific damage when you shot someone.
P.S: Using 'BAPS on parade' just sounds a little rude. :p
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