It's not really a FPS, and the humour might make up for the learning curve involved in the game.
The Portal gun is a "gun", but i will call the game a first-person puzzler.
True, but there's no fast-paced "**** who is shooting me?" panic involved with it. You can for the most part take your time and aim. This, I think, is the main problem people who don't like FPS have. So... I stand by Portal 2.
I recently decided to join Xbox Live, as I have always been wary of playing multiplayer. I normally play PS3 online with friends, but I don't know too many people with Xbox, so I was wondering which games are more "noob-friendly". I'm pretty open-minded about games, so anything from FPS to racing to adventure is good. Just want to know which ones are the best.
(Most recent topic I could find was from 2010, so I think it's ok to start a new one.)
wh not just keep using the original? why do people keep making 2 or more?penpusher
It's because I have all my save files on the one account that I would like to hang on to, and the email I always use on the other one. Just a matter or preference I guess. Unless its possible to transfer save files.
Hey, sorry if this seems like a stupid question, but I can't seem to find information anywhere. Is it possible to join my XBOX Live account with an account I already have created on my Xbox? I made the live account on the computer and purchased some DLC, and had originally thought to join the two, but I have no idea if this is possible.
Secondly, is DLC limited to the account making the purchase? Or will it be available for all accounts on the console?
I used to work at a video rental store, so naturally got first pick of any price-drops, trade-ins whatever caught my eye. That plus my meager employee discount and I found myself buying a new game at least once a week. I quit a month ago and still have about 6 games that I haven't yet played.
Since then I only buy stuff that I know I can't wait to play. But I obviously understand how it happens and why people do it.
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