I watch a ton of BDs. When you have an HD projector, the difference is so substantial that it is hard to go back to upconverted DVDs. Some upconverted DVDs actually make me cringe on the big screen.
Hmm...I saw Eric Clapton. That was neat. t3hrubikscube
That's one of 2 concerts I missed due to having something else I HAD to be at that night and really regret. Clapton was involved in the other one as well. BB King played his club in Nashville on his birthday and Clapton showed up as a special guest.... I REALLY wanted to be there but had an exam the next day. That one hurt, bad.
Unfortunately, and stupidly, girls deal with stigmas that guys don't about their sex lives. Most "shy" girls will come out of their shells a bit into a relationship.... others are more liberated and feel no qualms sharing it in the 1st place (wish more were like that, I had suppression).
For the other med students that may or may not be on the boards here, I thought I would toss out a congrats if the waiting ended for you tonight and you finally got your Step 1 score. Hope you all did well and that 3rd year rotations are going well (I did a pelvic exam on a 460lb woman yesterday, you be the judge!).
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