Comstock believed that baptism absolved him of his sins. Freed of guilt over his crimes, he was free to then commit far worse ones and rationalize them away as necessary for his righteous cause. Dewitt rejected baptism, retained his guilt and shame, and it was that guilt and shame which motivated him to try to become a better person. Dewitt was no saint, but he was aware of his own failings and conflicted about them, whereas there was no such barrier to Comstock's atrocities.
PC Gaming always peaks in the lull between console cycles. Then with the new gen, people proclaim the death of PC gaming until it is resurrected again by filling the void left by those aging consoles. All these things have happened before, and all these things shall happen again.
I don't see Microsoft getting rid of Gold, but I do think they'll have to give us something more, like merging it with XBox Music pass or introducing a streaming video / internet TV service. Something substantially better than what you get from Sony's premium plan, which seems to be hardly worth the cost.
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