@spawnroid @Fatbeaverlol they did not promise little to none! they said there would be MORE little ones like horse armor besides Hearthfire (which i consider much bigger than horse armor) name another small dlc they made... NONE... in what world is 1>2?
@CincoToes then either we got subtitles for the entire 100+ hour game or everyone in irradiated China for some reason speaks english either way thatd be pretty annoying
@WTBG @PeterDuck dont use COD as an example, COD sells because people are drones thats why Madden and those sports games still exist, people get into these patterns and convince themselves they need the next one because "oooo it has a different menu screen!" a better example would be the mass effect games, they sometimes can look incredible but other times can look like an 80's cartoon, but people are not playing it for the graphics
is the other 40% a 4 hour campaign and crappy multiplayer because thats what crysis 3 was, i usually dont regret buying games, this was fun while it lasted but this was SW the force unleashed 2 all over again. make a fun game first you morons its not THAT hard to have decent graphics anymore for christ sake we can do it on phones now!
i dont like dying a million times for no benefit thats at least what happened when i played demon souls, i'm betting this and the sequel will be that same. whats the point of getting better equipment and leveling up if you still die fighting a mook 475,000 times?
yea so are gun ranges you idiot or violent movies, or boxing, or ufc or squirt gun fights. people have imaginations, people were mass murdering long before i was running over virtual prostitutes.
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