@Diablo-B @Blackbond that comment made me sick. name the last time they showed a highlight on sportscenter that wasnt one of 5 teams or, if not those teams, a 15 minute conversation with some asshole who gets called an expert
the last time a 5 hour game was considered a masterpiece you had to download it (journey). this was the same thing as crysis 2, but with a worse script, boring levels and like i said 5 hours of gameplay... i couldnt get "fatigued" on 5 hours of gaming (a good game) if i took nyquil and played Argo on a loop in the background... good argument tho...
i already beat it, 5 hours long, i got halo so i dont need multiplayer. trading it in tomorrow. it was fun, but cmon, 5 hours?!? there werent any of those long levels or perches where you could see the whole battle field. wayy too easy and they pigeon hole you... i expected better
@GamerOuTLaWz @enartloc wow I hate this generation, kid cudis music is incredible and is in fact hip-hop, how could it not be hip-hop? Have you ever heard it? What else could it be? He has a lot of talent in music and in fact is not a bad actor (how to make it in America) what's your your talent? Being a giant troll just looking for places to spew the raw seeping sewage that is your incredibly uninformed opinion
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