I had this same problem. I found this girl who was so freaking nice and was not a nerd in any way but took all honors classes and was so damn nice. She liked me even before I knew her but I made the mistake of waiting 2-weeks and not asking her out and so she just kind of parted ways. Now she goes her way and I go mine. High school is a way to get experience with girls. Not to be serious. I was a kind guy just like you but I decided to wait to long and she just got bored I guess. Another thing, IF SOMEONE SAYS NO THEN WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO GO OUT WITH THEM? IF THEY DONT LOVE YOU THEN WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO BE WITH THEM? Im not saying dont try asking a girl out but this point i made has been proved by other guys. YOUR GOAL IS TO GAIN EXPERIENCE WITH GIRLS, BIT BY BIT. AS YOU PROGRESS YOU WILL GET LONGER AND BETTER RELATIONSHIPS> ALSO< GET YOUR SELF KNOWN! HOW ARE YOU GOING TO GET A GIRL IF YOU ARE SHY?
there's still one girl who i still like after she said no and we're still really good friends. and i give up after the no anyway most of the time, i know i don't have any chance of being with herbut it still feels like she was meant for me. that might just be because she wasso nice to me even after i asked her out and everyone else just shut me out of thier lives altogether
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