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nulvix Blog

Stupid new layout.

OK, so yeah, I hate it's guts. Now I have to relearn everything, and I hate the way my profile page looks. The rest of the site is too different too. I can't stand the fact that they make everyone have the same layout. I want to choose the old one. After all, power tot he players, right? Or is that reserved for the paid subscribers?!? I envy those that can take this stuff from the GS people, and I really wish that I could do it too. This just sucks. I know! Why don't the users protest? Naw, that wouldn't work. We're not being paid here, so we have no power.

VGCats comics are a must see.

For all of you who know the site of, you probably know the comics are hilarious. They poke fun at nintendo series such as Animal Crossing, Mario Kart, The Legend of Zelda, and more. They also have the habit of knowcking down the XBOX, since they made several comics about it's problems etc. If you haven't been to the site yet, check it out. There are tons of comics to read, and they're all very well done. I wish I had those kinds of artistic skills. Even using a computer program, I just don't get it. Now, go and see their comics. I'm serious, they're amazing.

HMs are coming out soon!

I can't wait for the new Harvest Moon coming to the DS. I'm not sure if I'll get the Wii version, since they involve the same characters and such. I think I'd like to take HM on the go rather than have to stay in one place. Besides, I kinda like the way the DS one looks compared to the Wii version. Funny, how they always seem to make you look like a chibi-style person, who's about 8 years old or something. I'm sick of playing as a child. In fact, in a Wonderful Life, I thought I WAS playing as a child until Takakura said I had to get married. It's absurd how they can make you look so young yet make the game portray you as someone old. Or oldER andyways. Now then, after I purchase that HM, I think I'm going to finally get the Phantom Hourglass, and Trauma Center New Blood. Who knows? I may even get Okami for the DS. I hear it's really good.

Nintendo Power's 20th anninversary!!!

I just got the latest issue of Nintendo Power, and boy was it interesting. It had lists of the top 20 games on every single Nintendo system. I was surprised to see that only one mario game made it to no. 1, and that was Super Mario Galaxy on the Wii. almost every other console had Zelda at the top of the list, and for the ones that didn't, it was in the top 3. ANimal crossing made 2 lists, both at 19th place for DS and GC, Starfox 64 made it onto the N64 list somewhere, and so did Super Smash Bros. Both other smash bros games made it onto their respective console's lists as well. Other games of note were pikmin, donkey kong country, and Kid Icarus was ont he NES list as well. Overall, a good read, so think about picking one up. If not for the game list reason, it also has many game previews, reviews, interviews, and it includes special screens from the upcoming Sonic Unleashed. And for all you collectors out there, 20th anniversary editions only come out once, plus there's free poster. Now, everyone go out and grab one!

Oh crud...

I watched Nintendo's E3 08 live, and it was good. So I was stoked for Animal Crossing that's coming and I was impressed by the stats, although they were kinda boring. However, I was wondering why I hadn't got the emblem for watching it, and then I realized I had watched it live form my wife's account, not mine. That would certainly explain why I didn't get it. Oh well, I can still watch a live E3 show if I wish. It was a good E3, but I wasn't impressed with Wii sports Resort opr Grand Theft Auto. I don't like illegal based games.

OK, new game list, any tips?

I thought I'd plan out which games I'm getting next. They are:

  1. Phantom Hourglass
  2. Trauma center new blod
  3. HM Island of Happiness
  4. HM Tree of Tranquility
  5. Spore
  6. *unannounced* Animal Crossing Wii
  7. *unannounced* StarfoxWii

OK,that's it. If anyone has any recommendations, I'd behappy to accept them. But bear in mind, I only play on PC and Nintendo consoles, so leave out sony and microsoft (XBOX/XBOX 360). Thanks.:D

OK, overload...!

Right, so I've been playing Indy on my Wii, Super Paper Mario (also on Wii), and my old GC Pokemon XD, which, guess what, I also play on my Wii. Not only that, but for some reason my friends want me to go everywhere with them lately, so it's hard to get some time alone, as they rarely let me say no. Of course, soon I'll be going swimming regularily. Not that I don't like swimming, heck, I love it. But I wish I could schedule my own swimming times. My sisters need me to go swimming with them for some unknown reason, so I go when they do. Ugh... family, friends, games... something's gotta go, and being the avid gamer I am, I say it'll be one of the first two. Now how do I do this, eh? :roll:

Oh the dislike I have for art...

OK, so I'm finally done with my abnner and user icon. Before you ask, the image is nt drawn by me. Trust me, the best thing I can draw is a stick-figure. I fuond it on google if you're that curious. Anyways, banner was done by me, sadly I couldn't fit int he GB, the GBC, the GBA, or the DS. Ah well, I would choose them all if I could. But I can't play 9 systems at once, eh?

Blog image, Sig, Banner, or perhaps a new user icon?

Ah the decisions... I'm not sure whether I should make a new user icon for myself, or should I focus on a banner or a blog image instead? Sigs seem kinda hard, and I was never good enough at art to make a good one, even with new programs for customizing. Either way, you help me decide. Drop me a line or comment to let me know what I should work on next. Until then, I'll just be here reviewing and watching videos on spore.:P
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