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nulvix Blog

I'm SO bored.

I really want the new SPORE game that's coming out, I've been waiting since it was announced. I think I'll put a thick bushy tail on my creature and paint it all black first. Next, maybe some sharp fangs and some paws... who knows? I might even add those saw blades? XD

Anyways, I wish it would come out sooner. It looks ready in the videos and in the creature creators. I swear, if September doesn't get here faster... ah well.... Hopefully I can manage to wait for the game. Ugh... how ridiculous. I'm practically drooling over the thought if this game. Making your own creatures, your own civilizations, your own galaxies... the endless possiblities make me want to fly to the Maxis headquarters and demand them for a copy. heh, I won't do that, but I really do want this game like heck. Dare I say this game is one of the best games of the year? Of course, so would SSBB be. And maybe, just MAYBE mario kart wii, but I strongly doubt it. Just doesn't make the cut for a "best agem of the year", does it? No offense to diehard kart fans.:D

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OK, so I keep getting emails form nintendo 'cause I registered my wii and DS for an extended warranty (I'm a clutz). Now they send me emails saying what's the top 10 games in Nintendo. Every time ever since brawl came out, it was second. But before it came out, it was first. Mario kart wii was first before it came out, then wii fit replaced it, and now some weird thing that I never heard of is first. Why is that? Brawl is better than all those games combined, and yet it's second as long as new games come out. Just because a game's about to come out doesn't mean it's popular, so why put it first? Is that just for advertising purposes? Ah well, I still say brawl's numero uno.

Another thing... spore is comin' out on sept. 7th, so all evolution/science/monster/domination freaks out there go and pre order! If you don't know what spore is, check it out, seriously it's the best game microsoft has EVER made. guess who did thios simulation game? Maxis. Big wow, eh? XD

Anyways, looks cool to me. Heck, if I could evolve with saw blades on my arms that would be cool. On the other hand, my wife wishes she had a tail. I don't think she'd like it if I cut her up when I hugged her... guess I should have a tail too, eh? heh.

MArio Kart Wii is more popular then SSBB?!

This isn't possible! A game that has lower graphics, that has fewer characters and customizable options, the game that has less features and limited game play areas, the game with barely anything more than it's predecesor... all less than SSBB. How can this happen? Yeah, sure, maybepeople like racing better than fighting. Sure, maybe they just want a new game that's good. OK, so they just may want it because of the new things in it. But does that rwally mean that SSBB is to fly out the window? It's like this for everything. You get a new toy, you ignore the old one. You get another new toy, the toy you bought before now gets ignored. Oh boy....

Well guess what? I've been tagged.

Thanks to croogix I now have to do this.

  • I have reading glasses.
  • I have an obsession for bugs.
  • I once performed a necropsy on a raccoon, with my wife telling me where to cut, etc. (She does it all the time)
  • I play Cello, Piano, and Flute.
  • I only like Classical Music and Opera, with the exception of three The Who songs and a bit of Shania Twain.
  • I always wonder what happened to the days when gas was 25-30 cents a litre.
  • I'm generally a lousy gamer witht he exception of Starfox 64, I dominate in that game.
  • I once went out and bought 2 GC game, 2 DS games, and 1 Wii game all in one day.
  • The games were Super Mario Sunshine, The Legend of Zelda Windwaker, Pokemon Diamond, Harvest Moon Cute, and Trauma Center New Blood.
  • And yes, I do realize this is more than 5 things, but I don't care. I'm offon a rant you see....
There you have it, some facts about me. Enjoy I guess.

What's this tagging thing?

I don;t get it. Why do you tell people 5 things about yourself when someone 'tag' you. And how do you 'tag' someone? And how do you know when you've been tagged? Do you get a message or something? Someone please explain this to me....

Will the candidates respond?

I have no idea. Invitations sent by a fellow user seem to be ignored, and I can see why. I was checking through my union tab yesterday to see if croogix's union was up yet, and I had recieved an invitation to join a union. I never recieved any messages about it, so it's no wonder it took me so long to realize it. I just never go into that tab. Anyways, I wish GS would send you a message when you have recieved a union invitation, because if they do it for tracking users, they can do it for unions. Honestly, that invite was sent to me 3 weeks ago! No wonder some candidates haven't accepted an officer's spot... they don't know they've been invited! Holy cow... I wish GS would send those messages. I wonder if they have a complaint page? :lol: Doubt it.

Brawl codes

OK, now that we have Brawl, codes may now be exchanged. I know ridude wanted ours, and so it will happen. If anyone else would like to brawl with croogix or I then PM one of us or post a comment stating your friend code, and we'll do the same. Get ready to fight the fight of your lives! The end of the world masterpiece has arrived....

Brawl tournament signup?

OK, so all of you who live in Canada (I'm not sure if they're doing this in the states), please comment and tell me if you are going to sign up for the EB Games tournament that will be going on from April 4th -May 3rd. You can go onto Niontendo's website for more details. Good luck to all those who plan on entering! If you don't want to comment send me a PM.

2 days until brawl!!!

I wonder why they wait so much longer to release things in N.A. than they do in Japan. I know it's made over there but GEEZ, a whole month until we get it? Ridiculous. As long as I get to EB Games first thing on Sunday, I'll be one happy brawler! eerrr... I mean camper! :lol: THE SUSPENSION!!! THE TORTURE!!! IT'S KILLING ME!!! I love it! :lol: X 4

Skipping level 6?

I hear that everyone skips level 6, is it true? I saw ridude skip it, my wife said she skipped it, and now I hope I do. I want to get to the video-uploading level asap. Other than that, I suppose skipping level 6 would really have no benefit. I mean, it would only take a few days to get out of right? Not much work there. Oh well, as long as I can show the various game glitches I've seen in my games, they're absolutely hilarious. I belive I have to be at level 10 to upload a video, correct? Well, better get to work....
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