I bought Kane and Lynch 2 for $5 during the steam sales and I can't honestly say that it was great value for money. The single player itself is 3 hours of which maybe 1 hour was enjoyable enough to be worth playing. The online community is basically nonexistent, I had to join steam groups to get a game and even then we are talking bare minimum numbers for games. K&L 2 is certainly not recommended unless you really have nothing else to play. You can read my review of that game here.
My home internet was down for about a week (I survived) and thus I was playing a lot of Gran Turismo 5 on the PS3. It is true what they say, at times the game looks kinda ugly, at times it looks spectacular. The gameplay is probably just as mixed with the super frustrating b-spec (commanding AI drivers) and the ludicrous rules of licenses. Yet some of the races are great and it can be very satisfying to take a Lamborghini to a hatchback tournament and lap the other drivers in a race. :)
The game includes a photomode which from what I can tell just renders the entire game in a much higher resolution and then scales it back down again (bit like what Crysis does) but it also makes things like reflections and shadows look better. In game shadows can be very block at times. Pictures below are from photomode.
I managed to play through Dark Void also which would be best described as a mix of Gears of War, Lost Planet, Tribes and Half-Life. It has the jetpack which pretty much took me the whole game to get competent with; the controls are pretty horrendous as is the sensitivity. You move pretty fast with it, and need to use the brake a lot for turning and aiming. They also do this slightly weird vertical cover along with just normal jetpack floating in big hangers. The story is B-grade type action movie scary but not without some charm with Nolan North voicing yet another lead character. Overall I have to say Dark Void is not a bad game at all but one that for mechanical reasons is difficult to fully enjoy. Certainly the franchise, should it ever continue, has a lot of potential.
Still playing Black Ops online and getting close to prestige level 2. Not sure how much longer I'll be playing it because it seems more than half the servers seem to be running Nuketown which is complete rubbish for gameplay with a full 18 man server. But people must like it because you can get a lot of points during games, spawn killing does that I guess. The new patch fixed some things and I guess right now it's the quality it should have been on release.
Spike VGA were nice with some great reveals on Elder Scrolls 5, Mass Effect 3 and of course Uncharted 3. 2011 is shaping up to be a very good year for gaming.
After a brief hiatus I'm back online with faster internet at home, all it means is that I will be getting even more games digitally. I expect I will post a blog about my best games in 2010 in a week or two. I'm still deciding over a few good games. I wish everybody a Merry Christmas for 2010. :)
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