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nweasel Blog

Why Thank You GameSpot

I don't even remember how I entered, or when it was, or what I had to do, but I got a package from GameSpot in the mail today...

It was the World of WarCraft book Arthas: Rise of the Lich King by Christie Golden. Now I have something new to read that actually might interest me a bit more than what I've been reading lately.

So, thank you GameSpot, it's much appriciated. :)

The Weasel Report: E3 HQ

If you haven't yet been to the Weasel Report this week, you should get over there right now. You're missing huge write ups on the biggest games at E3 this year, tons of polls where you yourself can decide on your favorite games, podcasts now on iTunes which keep you up to date with the latest video game news, and even a MASSIVE GIVEAWAY, in which you can win one of 16 prizes!


P.S. Trust me, we're not as in-depth as GameSpot, and we're not trying to be, but we're c00l. ;)

GameSpot Game Night Gameplay Movie & Thoughts

In case you haven't seen it, for the good group of you that participated in the latest Game Night last night, GameSpot got up a gameplay video of it already! I'll admit, I'm in it a lot, and I'd like to thank Kevin and Chris for the feature in the video. I had a BLAST last night, and I really hope to do it again sometime! I really think we should make that a weekly thing for our group of Killzone 2 players, because I was truly entertained. Anyways, on with the video!


Hello GameSpot Game Nighters!

Hi everyone! I know, it's been MONTHS since my last entry here on GameSpot. It's not to say that I don't LIKE GameSpot, it's just that I haven't had much time to be on here recently, especially after I got my own website, which I'll explain about later. But, after the GameSpot Game Night of Killzone 2 on the PlayStation 3, it was more fun than I could ever imagine, and I made a lot of great friends! I just wanted to thank everyone for everything.

And, in case you wanted to know, my website, gaming related MOSTLY of course, is the Weasel Report. Check it out sometime! Thanks!

^ Week

It's a big week over at my Weblog. Check it out tonight to see what the theme is for the next week's worth of entries. Maybe stay a while... and listen?

Weasel's Weblog

Also, a video game review starts the week off tomorrow. Check it.

My Rebuttal: Video Game Exclusivity

Usually I don't go back through the comments of Blogs that I've already read, but, I was curious to see if the writer of the Blog had given any response to what I had said. It was on a topic that I am very seriously upset about in the video game industry. I found that someone had made a reply to what I had said, surprisingly. I must admit though, what was written upset me. And so, I have a rebuttal of my own in turn of that.

The topic of this person's Blog was 5 Reasons MGS4 Will come to the 360!. In my opinion, game exclusivity, and game developers staying true to the system that they choose is a big thing in my book. I respect companies that decide to go cross-platform on their games, I've seen so many succeed in that style. But when a series, for so long, had been for one system and then decides to go multi, that's when I get defensive.

I'm going to start with the obvious choice of games here: Final Fantasy XIII. Let's go back in time here a bit and see where they've been for a while. Remember, the series started on the Nintendo system, then later changed over to the PlayStation with Final Fantasy VII. Ever since then, Square Enix has stayed true to Sony's systems. There were some exceptions, like Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles for the GameCube of course, and now they are releasing some of their older games as remakes on the PSP and DS.

It wasn't until Final Fantasy XI that they released it for more than just the PlayStation 2, but this was also their first MMORPG using this realm, so it was more than just that. None the less, when Final Fantasy XII came around, they went back to putting it on the PlayStation 2 once again, exclusively. Now, they've finally decided to release their newest game on the Xbox 360 as well.

Here's where most people would disagree with me. This series has been put onto the PlayStation platforms for over ten years now, with little mini-FF games on handhelds all over the place. The good news in all of this is that the Xbox 360 version is still going to be nothing but a port of the PlayStation 3 version, so chances are it won't be as full of a game as the original is anyways, which bothers me with the question, "WHY?" then. None the less, the decision has been made. But why was this decision made is the question. Some of the reasons why Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots might get ported over as well can be used in this scenario, and it really all boils down to this: money.

I guess I'm the only person in here who thinks that loyalty is more important than the money is. Life revolves around money, even in such an industry as video games. It's obvious that it's good for a game to sell well, because then the company can be successful, and possibly release another fantastic video game. On the other hand, when does greed overrule this entire objective altogether?

In this certain Blog's comments, I was called a "Sony elitest" and "rabid fanboy", neither of which I consider myself. I am a passionate video game player, who cares a lot about not only how the game plays, but why the game is made. If a video game is made for a sole purpose, in RPG cases to tell a very good story, and provide you with a deep party-based gameplay simulator, then they have drive. But when they are spreading themselves thin, for the purpose of releasing it on two platforms and making the most money they possibly can, the quality and dedication in making the game the best they can takes a hit.

Also mentioned in this comment was the game BioShock, and how PlayStation 3 owners are now getting to play it as they release it on Sony's system as well. And the big question on my mind is: Who said I was ever going to buy that? BioShock was an amazing game on the 360 and PC, but I can be one of the first to admit that I think that should stick as a Microsoft exclusive. That's the way it started out, and I don't see what the point is on releasing it to PlayStation 3 owners at this point, other than to try and attract a new audience, and make more money.

Making a multi-platform game isn't heresy, nor is it a bad idea in most cases. When it comes to breaking what was a system's high point, just for the cause of making money, that's when I see a line crossed. I read in a news story that Square Enix claims they will not be removing content from the PlayStation 3 version just so that the games are the same on the Xbox 360 version as well. I truly hope that they stand by that statement, and dedicated their resources to making their game the best that they can.

Finally, when it comes to the question of Metal Gear Solid 4 crossing to the Xbox 360 as well, I think my point has been made in the aforementioned editorial, but in conclusion, I just have to say this: Good luck fitting it on a 360 game disc.

Red vs. Blue Minnesota 7

Hey all! I'm gone all weekend @ Red vs. Blue Minnesota 7, and I'll be having a great time! If anyone wants to get in contact with me in the next two days, you can AIM me @ "weaselterrahawk" and I'll get it out there. Hope you all have a great weekend, and get some gaming in for the both of us!

Red vs. Blue Minnesota 7