Check out the new "News Analysis" feature that I started up just this weekend!
nweasel Blog
Initial Thoughts: EA/Take-Two
by nweasel on Comments
Indie developers are going to be shut out soon. The fan base will completely go towards huge companies such as them, and that'll just be it. Know two games I love right now? Audiosurf and DEFCON. I hope these games continue to blossom.
I just don't understand, truly. I must admit, no matter how much I hate them, I have a little more respect for Take-Two right now. I actually hope they do successfully hold out.
News Source: EA's Take-Two takeover bid turns hostile
10 Questions, 10 Opinions, 1 Blog
by nweasel on Comments
10. Should I get Assassin's Creed?
This has given so much controversy on the question of "is this game good or not" that it's rediculous. I'll have to admit, it's a love or hate game, really. I think I'll just start off my opinion with saying, YES, I think you should get Assassin's Creed.
But I must say straight up, first and foremost, that this game IS repetative. You have to do the exact same couple of things in each city every time, and I think that the whole story engine was on a bit of a standstill in their studio there for a while. But while I say that, the game mechanics and features were one-of-a-kind, never used before, and I hope we see more of it in the future.
To be honest, there were a lot of things that were not to like about Assassin's Creed, but in the overall aspect, I believe that this game is a must PLAY, at the very least, as I believe most people will agree with me on that.
9. Is buying the 40GB version of the PS3 an ideal choice?
While I would normally say "no" to this, with the 80GB versions being pulled from retailers, and most people not wanting to play old PlayStation 2 games, this may just be the best choice now.
Plus, you can just put your own hard drive into it. Thank you Sony! 300 GB FTW. Problem solved!
8. Master Chief v.s Soap McTavish.
Better question: WHO CARES? XD
7. Kane & Lynch: Dead Men, how bad can it be?
Let's be honest, I've never played this game, but have you even LOOKED at the game videos? I mean, even THEY can tell you the whole story on how bad this game really is.
Now, I know this always comes up when talking about this game, so dealing with the controversy that came up around it, I just have to say that what's done is done, and, hey, he's doing better things right now I'd say.
6. Racism in Resident Evil 5.
DAMN YOU CAPCOM! That's racist against zombies! What did they ever do to you?! They're just hungry, and all you do is mass slaughter them! You are HORRIBLE, TERRIBLE people! You should be ASHAMED.
But in all seriousness, for those of you who are offended by Resident Evil 5, you are an idiot. I can't help but be blunt with this, because truly, this has to be one of the dumbest claims I have ever seen against a video game. I wish people weren't so stupid in our world.
5. How come the Wii's dominating the market?
$250 system, marketed towards families and all ages, this seems like a no-brainer.
4. Should I buy Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare?
While everyone says that this is an amazing game, and while I agree that you can get enough time playing it online to make it way worth it's money, I'll admit, I still don't own it myself yet. I love a good game as much as the next person, and I think that the online aspect of games makes it much more worth it's value, but, I dunno... I think there's just something about it which is turning me off.
3. Is an Xbox 360 a good alternative to an PS3?
While most people would say, "GET THE 360, IT HAS GAMES!", at the same time, in the long run, you'll regret it I think. Let me quickly compare the two and show you why I think that you should get a PlayStation 3 and suck it up, haha.
a) Built-in Wireless Internet vs. $100 Wireless Adapter
b) Free to play online vs. $50 to play online
c) Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD (I was going to price it, but it's changed now)
d) Future games, check 'em out
That's all I'll say, because if you like the 360, you'll skip this section anyways. If you were even on the fence, you'll now agree with me I'd say.
2. Are the console wars actually contributing to the rivalry issue between Nintendo, Microsoft and SONY?
Huh? Console wars? That's just something that people made up so that they could be more stupid.
1. What is the meaning of life?
And there you have it folks! Read, comment, agree, disagree, love me, hate me, DO EET! I want to hear it all. Be honest, don't run around what you think. I didn't, and neither should you... ya chicken.
by nweasel on Comments
This is rough. I wish that they had more time between when they announced it officially and when it actually took place. This would be A LOT of hours I'd be giving up, IF I can even GET someone to take all of them.
*sigh* Another tournament I'll miss I think. And one I can actually BE in for once. I truly am depressed now.
By the way, to BraindeadRacr, I'll be making that Blog in the next day. I just got home from work, and needed to cry over what I just read.
by nweasel on Comments
My desktop is currently reimaging back to it's factory settings after the tedious task of backing up all of my important files and programs. It's telling me Estimated time: 11 minute(s).
My laptop is currently struggling, and chances are I'll have to reimage this dang thing too. Our school computers have viruses on them, so when you transfer a file via your jump drive, it travels to your computer as well. I swear to all that is holy, for a technical school who does everything around computers, they sure are dumb as hell.
BTW, thank you AVG. And screw you McAfee.
So while my gaming time dwindles, as does my writing time [the weekend News Analysis wrap-up is cancelled for this weekend], I sit here impatiently staring at my screen... 5 minute(s) remaining.
News Analysis - 02.25.08
by nweasel on Comments
Please note: Much of what is stated in this feature is but opinion of the writer, but the links shown are true facts from Your opinions are extremely welcome.
* Obviously, a big story erupted on Monday which sent the video game news business running around for information left and right. I, personally, have read quite, enough, of, it, and to be honest, my whole opinion on the entire issue was set in stone before it even began. While I do like many of the games that are created by EA Games, I believe that they are getting a bit pretentious. Truly, I do not want to see EA gain a monopoly, which is what they have definately been trying to do lately. While they have the money to do so, I believe that in the end this will hurt the game industry as a whole more than help it. I must be honest some more and say that I am glad that Rockstar Games declined the offer, but at the same time, I wonder why in the world EA would want to gain ahold of such a company, especially with the troubles that they have been in lately, other than to unfairly cash in on what is going to be the obvious success of Grand Theft Auto IV.
* To be honest, the only thing I could think of saying for this is: Whew! Micrsoft has decided that they are going to drop the 360's HD-DVD player, and I have seen from sources that it's now going for about $50 in some places. I've always been a PlayStation 3 junkie, and I love Blu-Ray, so while I am not necessarily sad to see HD-DVD lose, I think that this was one of the quickest "wars" that I've seen.
* I still have yet to have gotten the chance to play it yet, but now I might get an even better chance to play it. I guess that now a director's cut of Persona 3 is coming out in April. This game won GameSpot's Best Role-Playing Game of 2007, and I've always thought that this game looked unique and cool, and for $30, I still might be able to get the chance to play this amazing looking RPG.
* Here's a shocker though! Sony's Phil Harrison steps down from being president of SCE Worldwide Studios. While he provided a lot for the company, it is a bit of a shame to see him go. I have no doubt in the current staffing, as now Kazuo Hirai, current CEO of SCEI, will take over Harrison's position. It is interesting though; after such a long time, two of the biggest names in Sony's Entertainment history taking off. Tis a shame, but, I believe the vision is still the same as it always has been... or at least I hope so, right?
Two New Games
by nweasel on Comments
I actually got the chance to run out to GameStop the other day to go and pick up a game I had been waiting for for quite some time. While, yes, it IS just another game in the series, on the PlayStation 3, it is beautiful. The game that I bought was Dynasty Warriors 6. I've found, oddly, that this game is actually quite HARD, which surprises me just a bit, because I had always been so good at them. But, with the improvements they've made, I can see why. Being thrust in the middle of two hundred enemies WILL add a bit of a challenge.
Naturally, while I was there, I did some looking around. In the $10 PC games, I spotted one that I just couldn't pass up. It's not the newest game, or the most popular game, but, hell, is it a fun game. The game is DEFCON: Everybody Dies, which you can see is what inspired me to make the new images for my GameSpot Profile here.
Other than all of that, I'm still trying to play Guild Wars as religiously as possible. For those of you who are watching me for my Guild Wars 2 updates, make a comment here and I'll try digging up more info. They've been quite quiet about it lately, so I really couldn't tell you much. I could always, though, find special stuff in the first one that you may not have known about.
Well, that's all for me. For those of you who read this, thanks! If you comment, thanks more! I'm sorry for not commenting on your Blogs if I haven't, but rest assured, I read them all. Time permits me little. :( Later! :)
Break in the Action: EA Games
by nweasel on Comments
We now take you to a break in the action for this!
So I'm reading up in the News, and there is a story about EA Games, talking about how New Burnout, Skate on the way.
I'm finally starting to get fed up with it. What am I getting fed up with? The constant rehashing and pushing of game series' to the brink of failure. Why do I say that? Well, let's take a look at a couple of examples, starting with my all-time favorite racing game, Need For Speed.
First of all, my favorite NFS game so far was Need For Speed Most Wanted, which, by chance, is the second highest rated NFS game, coming up behind the excellent Need For Speed: High Stakes, which I used to have back in the day. Now, why did I find Most Wanted the best you ask? Most Wanted had everything that the Need For Speed franchise has been famous for, and more. I own every Need For Speed game since Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 2, and the one thing that has made me keep buying them, is the premise of cops. While the races were excellent, and with Most Wanted began the amazing cinematics, one of the biggest things that kept most people coming back was the fact that it was the only racing game that also involved amazing police chases, with very good AI. But ever since then, they've been spewing a NFS game out ever single year. I bought Need For Speed Carbon, but not only did they completely remove the fact that police chases were mandatory, but they also took the difficulty level and spiked it in BOTH directions. Now, EA even admits the fact that their latest game, Need For Speed ProStreet, which focused on LEGAL street racing, and eliminated police altogether, did not sell as much as their previous versions have, and that they will be going back to the roots of the franchise for Need For Speed 2008 (working title). While I think that's great and all, because ProStreet was the FIRST Need For Speed game I haven't bought so far, I think that they need to start taking more time to make their games. I would be happy with one Need For Speed game once every two or three years. No matter how much I love the franchise, when you make drastic changes like they did, and quickly release it, it turns out to be more of a flop than anything.
But that wasn't all. Following in the heels of Burnout Paradise, EA says that they are ALREADY working on their next installment of the Burnout series. In my opinion, this is way too quick, especially if they are planning on releasing it a year from now. Let's be honest, the jump in technology we've received lately has vastly improved our games. The Burnout series now has amazing graphics, an open world with realistic crashes, and an instant online option which throws you into a deathmatch with eight other humans from around the world. But, what more can you add, without barely hearing what your fans want? With the game just released, I'm sure there are people critizing it already, but, with just that, I cannot see how one can make another full game, and still have enough new content to make it worth the $60 that we have to pay now.
Following all of this, they ALSO announced a new Skate game, so far titled Skate 2. While I also think that Skate was a revolutionary game, bringing in the new features of, once again, an open world, freedom of movement with the analog sticks, and an online leaderboard, I just can't see them giving the game enough new content to call itself another full game. I would rather see this as something such as an expansion pack or something. I just can't see another full game made off of this franchise especially.
Finally, EA announced that they were going to make a sequel for the popular RPG Mass Effect, made by EA-owned BioWare. What really gets me isn't the fact that they are making a sequel, because I've heard of way too many games that, might not NEED a sequel (see: Assassin's Creed), but are getting one because they want to continue the franchise and hope to make much more money on it. No, it isn't that that gets me. It's a quote from EA Games President Frank Gibeau which states that Mass Effect, "will be a franchise for [EA] for a very long time.", after it was originally being rumored to be just a trilogy. Here's my beef with that. Sure, you've got an amazing game, and you want to make new features and continue the game going forever, but, unlike some series' (see: Final Fantasy (XIII), in which the story, characters, and overall game is completely different with each continuing release, this game is the same game, just with added features, maybe a new character or two, and some new weapons. But, this is no MMORPG, and doesn't have a complete world that people will play in for hundred of hours, so I am slightly confused on how they can keep a game going for more than three. I am already skeptical, and am praying that it doesn't go any further, about Halo (3)'s claim to just be a trilogy, not including spin-off's such as Halo Wars, which ties into a whole 'nother discussion about the destruction of an amazing franchise with the overpopulation of games that spawn from it's story/setting/etc. (see: Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus... and all the rest of them).
So, in conclusion, I am really becoming disappointed with the whole idea of cranking out a new game for either a) a franchise that did extremely well in the beginning, and doesn't leave room for another, b) another game in a series which is different, but hasn't had the time to be worked on enough to make it unique, or c) just to make more money, because they figure, "Hey, people liked the first one, we'll just change some of these places, and they'll love it all over again!".
Thank you for reading. ~ Weasel
Guild Wars 2
by nweasel on Comments
Guild Wars 2
Developer: ArenaNet
Publisher: NCSoft
Released: TBA (2009-10)
~ New Playable Races: Charr, Norn, Asura, Sylvari, Human
~ Movement in three dimensions [introducing Z-axis]
~ Hall of Monuments [Guild Wars: Eye of the North] will port achievements
~ Much higher maximum character level [100, +?]
~ More global persistent game-world instead of instanced
~ Player's choices will impact world as whole
~ PvP will introduce world vs. world in "the Mists"
~ Sliding, climbing trees, and swimming will be introduced
~ "Event System" will be used for big events in the world
A couple of notes. Guild Wars 2 will still be 100% free, and follow the, "once you pay, you can play forever" model. Also, there will supposedly possibly be a Public Beta for it coming up here later in 2008, keep your eyes peeled to me for when that happens.
Well, that's about all I've got for you FOR NOW. :) Questions, comments, etc. post 'em here. :D Thanks for reading!
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