nweasel Blog
On My Way
by nweasel on Comments
I'm planning on working on my video game show that I had debated about before sometime soon. I've come up with a lot of good ideas, and just need to get some time to start working on it.
That April Fools Day joke that GameSpot pulled was absolutely hilarious. Those World of StarCraft screens really looked real, and I wouldn't have been suprised at all if they actually had come up with the idea to make it. On the other hand, Final Fantasy VIII really IS the best Final Fantasy!
Anyways, I just created my best review I feel, on Kingdom Hearts II, of which I am still just absolutely obsessed with. The game is amazing, I swear. I'll be playing it for at least the next couple of days, and then heading back to finish Shadow Hearts. Well, gaming is just picking up, so it's time to get back to work!
by nweasel on Comments
Woah. I voted. Yeah, that's right. Final Fantasy VIII IS better than VII! *laughs* Okay, so many of you may not think that, but I still love Final Fantasy VIII to death. It's still good to this day!
And, what, the, hell. World of STARCRAFT?! Boy, way to milk the crap out of a series. What's next? World of Diablo? GOOD LUCK! Ugh. MMORPGs. I'm really glad that I never got into them.
I'm going to try and work on creating a little mini-teaser for my little video game show that I was thinking of working on. I just need to find time for it now. Oh, and I'm still obsessed with Kingdom Hearts II. Yessss.
by nweasel on Comments
Going Green
by nweasel on Comments
by nweasel on Comments
by nweasel on Comments
by nweasel on Comments
Well, we are ready and waiting. We've finally earned enough money, cash, moolah; to open up our gaming website. Right now though, we are all really busy with school related items, so none of us have been able to get anything started. But, we're all working on good stuff to put up on the website as soon as we're ready. But, hey. Taking our time isn't a bad thing, right? The better we make it, the more you like it.
- nweasel
by nweasel on Comments
Well, we've hit a slight bump in the website creating process, but we're taking this delay of time to help improve what we are working on. Using this time, we'll be able to come out with more news stories, more reviews, and more everything else, in a smaller amount of time. The Forum is still going to be a HUGE part of the website, and will HOPEFULLY be integrated into the website quite effectively. So, as we say goodnight, we dream of games dancing above our sleepy little heads.
- nweasel
by nweasel on Comments
Well, it's official. We will be having our own video game website as of this week. The URL for it will be posted here later, but as of now, I am quite happy. I convinced my dad to help let me get our own domain and web hosting. We'll be happy to link and affiliate ourselves with other gaming websites, so if you feel so inclined to, feel free to message me about it. But, for now, I've upgraded and updated the Forum for it, and will be posting more on it in the near future. Thanks for watching and paying attention to our progress.
I'll post the URL to the actual website when we get it active. I can't wait to be doing this, so start getting ready for the new age of gaming reviewing!
- nweasel
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