They should never of sold Farcry. I actually have a lot of respect for their games and their graphics. Crysis and Farcry 1 were awesome games. That STILL hold up today. Graphically. They were miles ahead of everyone else, when Crysis came out on PC. To be honest. I haven't really been blown away by graphics since.
@deviltaz35: . I think Karl Katarn in the Jedi Knight games. Is a better, character than any of the modern movie characters lol. Yeah. I might aswell go back and play those games to, rather than watch these new movies..after Rogue One. I'm not getting to excited by the over saturation if Star Wars, that's about to Obi wan getting his own movie. Han Solo getting his own movie. Its going to start becoming a yawnfest. Outside if the original 6 movies..there's not much else to care about for me, in that universe. So what? ANOTHER evil Jedi takes the place if the last evil Jedi and so on an on. None of them will ever match Vadar's iconic character. Like, ever.
AC 1 was interesting. New. A little different and I actually wanted to know what was going on. After AC1 , the actual game mechanics got very stale for me and when I knew there was no end in sight for the series.....lost total interest. For me AC1 was the best. Because it held my attention, till the end, lol.
@gamingdevil800: yep, same. The first one I enjoyed and really didn't get into the rest of them. It was new, interesting. Then the game mechanic formula got a bit stale for me. I can play Tomb Raider to death. Its mechanics seem a little more challenging or interesting than Ass Creed. Or maybe Lara is just more lnteresting as a character. But ass Creeds game mechsnics got really stale for me. Go to tower, climb, rinse and repeat, avoid guys that don't like you, on the ground.
@highhate: havent got got hate for force awakens. I really didn't like Rogue One though. I thought it was totally pointless, in the grand scale of things.
nyran125tk's comments